As is stipulated in the current data protection regulation, it is informed that the data collected through this form will be processed by Sociedad Española de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), with TIN: Q-28 20015-B and address C/ Velázquez, 134. Bloque V 28006 Madrid (Spain), with the purpose of handling the requests made through the contact form.
The legality of the processing is based on section 6.1 a) of the GDPR: the processing is based on the consent granted by the interested party. Neither communication of data to third parties are envisaged, unless there is a legal obligation to do so, nor transfers to third countries or international organizations.
The data will be kept during the time required for fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected and for determining the potential responsibilities which might result from such purpose and from the processing of the data.
You will be able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, as well as other rights through a writing submitted to SEPI by email to the address C/ Velázquez, 134. Bloque V 28006 Madrid (Spain) or through the email:
He is entitled to revoke it in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the current data protection regulation. NOTICE OF DATA PROTECTION– DUTY OF DISCLOSURE As is stipulated in the current data protection regulation, it is informed that the data collected through this form will be processed by Sociedad Española de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), with TIN: Q-28 20015-B and address C/ Velázquez, 134. Bloque V 28006 Madrid (Spain), with the purpose of handling the requests made through the contact form. The legality of the processing is based on section 6.1 a) of the GDPR: the processing is based on the consent granted by the interested party. Neither communication of data to third parties are envisaged, unless there is a legal obligation to do so, nor transfers to third countries or international organizations. The data will be kept during the time required for fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected and for determining the potential responsibilities which might result from such purpose and from the processing of the data. You will be able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, as well as other rights through a writing submitted to SEPI by email to the address C/ Velázquez, 134. Bloque V 28006 Madrid (Spain) or through the email: He is entitled to revoke it in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the current data protection regulation. If in the exercise of your rights you have not been duly attended, you will be able to submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Electronic website: or to the address Calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 Madrid.
Before that, you can get into contact with the delegate for data protection in the following address:
You can get more information at Model of exercise of rights.