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Agencia Efe and Spain’s Open University (UNED) set up the Master in International Journalism

14 December 2012 |

Agencia Efe and Spain’s Open University (UNED) set up the Master in International Journalism

AGENCIA EFE and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, the Spanish open university) signed today an agreement for the start of the Master in International Journalism, which opens to Spanish-speakers from all over the world the offer of journalist training, which Efe has expanded with the recent set up of its Training School.

The above Master is aimed at those graduates who want to prepare themselves for working as journalists in written and audiovisual media which pay a special attention to international news.

The agreement was signed by AGENCIA EFE’s Chairperson, Mr. José Antonio Vera, and UNED’s Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Juan Antonio Gimeno, in a ceremony to which also attended the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Julio Bordas; The Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Research, Ms. Paloma Collado, and the person in charge of Efe’s Training School, Ms. Gloria Valenzuela.

UNED’s professors and the AGENCIA EFE’s professionals will give the lectures in this online Master which presents also the novelty of including face-to-face practical sessions at the offices which AGENCIA EFE has in Spain and in the rest of the world.

Master in International Journalism

With this Master, UNED, the largest Spanish university, with a wide offer of off-site academic courses, and with 250,000 students all over the world, and AGENCIA EFE, the first news agency in Spanish, which is present in 180 towns, join their forces for contributing to training professionals specialized in quality international information.

Principles of Digital Communication, Multimedia Journalism for Agencies, Journalistic Language for Agencies, International Journalism, Digital Journalism and Social Networks and Information Systems are the subjects which will be taught in the Master, which will begin in the academic year 2013-2014.

The classes, both theoretic and practical, will take place according to the off-site teaching methodology developed by UNED, which allows the student to follow the course from anywhere in the world through the different resources and tools which Universidad a Distancia has at its disposal (virtual platform, internet, phone and TeleUNED).

The classes will be complemented by an on-site practical period which will take place at the nearest AGENCIA EFE’s office to the student’s domicile, and which will allow him/her to complete the training with the experience of working in one of the most important international news agencies.

With the start of this Master, AGENCIA EFE expands to the online world its training offer for journalists, which up to now it carried out – only on-site – through its Master on Journalism for Agencies, as well as through grant programs and specialized training courses, both at its offices in Spain and at its international offices, especially in those of Latin America.

The effort carried out in this field has been reinforced with the recent set up of Efe’s Training School, which is in charge of all the programs carried out until now in the Agency, and to which will be added the specialized journalism courses, as well as the programs carried out outside Spain and which seek to train journalists from the communication media in Latin American countries.