SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS updates its tariffs for 2017

30 December 2016 |

CORREOS updates its tariffs for 2017


  • With the goal of providing the Universal Postal Service with the highest quality and efficiency and achieving the gradual cost adaptation

On next January 1st will come into force CORREOS’ new tariffs for 2017. The domestic common letter, the most used product, will be updated and will cost 5 cents more, thus having a tariff of 0.50 €.

This decision, which was taken by the Board of Directors of the state-owned post company Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. and which was communicated to the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (Spanish commission for markets and competition), seeks to gradually increase the prices in order to cover the costs and guaranteeing the maintenance of the quality and efficiency in the provision of the universal postal service (SPU in Spanish) for all citizens.

That is why, from January 1st, domestic letters and postcards will require a 0.50 € postage (instead of 0.45 € applied until now) when they are common and standardized, with a weight of up to 20 grams.

Spain will continue being in 2017 among the countries in the European Union with the cheapest postal tariffs, with a difference with regard to the average European tariff (0.61 €) of 11 cents for shipment, and below of those applied in Italy (0.95 €), the United Kingdom (0.75 €), France (0.70 €), and Germany (0.70 €).

The international letters and postcards (common and standardized of up to 20 grams) will pay a postage of 1.25 € when the destination is in Europe, including Greenland, and of 1.35 € for the remaining countries (instead of 1.15 € and 1.30 €, respectively).

In this way, the update of the tariffs for the products included within the SPU will amount to 9.56%.

In order to set the new tariffs, CORREOS has applied the procedure envisaged in the Ley Postal (Postal Act). This mechanism stipulates that CORREOS, in its capacity as the operator appointed by the State for providing the SPU, must communicate any raise in the prices which affects the products and services included within the SPU – at least three months in advance – to the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, the agency in charge of guaranteeing that the principles of affordable, transparent, and non-discriminatory prices are applied.

Besides being the company appointed for providing the universal postal service in Spain, CORREOS is an operator of physical, electronic, and packaging communications. In this sense, within CORREOS’ global offer of products beyond the SPU, it is worthwhile to mention the large weight of domestic packaging, which for 2017 practically maintains unchanged its tariffs, with just a raise of 0.33%, or of some products as the burofax (the fax registered with and sent through the Spanish Post Office), which also keeps the same price as before.

For more information you can consult the tariffs which CORREOS applies to all its products and services on

Correos/Grupo SEPI: Correos belongs to Grupo SEPI , a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has a direct, majority shareholding participation, with a final workforce of more than 73,000 professionals in 2015, and to which is attached the state-owned radio-and-television corporation, as well as one public foundation. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 9 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies. Correos is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.