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The Crown Prince and his wife inaugurate today Agencia EFE’s new head office

13 February 2014 | Madrid

The Crown Prince and his wife inaugurate today Agencia EFE’s new head office

The Crown Prince and his wife inaugurate today the new head offices of AGENCIA EFE, whose facilities they will visit before chairing a ceremony which will be attended by authorities and personalities of the Economy, politics, culture and sports.

The Crown Prince Felipe and his wife Letizia will be received by the Government’s Vice President, Ms. Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, and by SEPI’s Chairperson, Mr. Ramón Aguirre, and that of Agencia EFE, Mr. José Antonio Vera.

The building, which is located on the Northern part of the capital and which is fitted with the most sophisticated technological systems for the challenges faced by the fourth biggest news agency in the world, has been prepared for hosting several hundred guests.

The Crown Prince and his wife will make a tour of the six of the fifteen floors which the news agency occupies in the building, which is located at Avenida de Burgos. It was built in 1988 and reformed in 2010, and its owner is SEPIDES, a company which is part of SEPI, the sole shareholder of EFE.

Thus, they will have the opportunity of getting to know the work carried out by the journalists which perform their tasks in the different news areas, such as Domestic, International, Culture, Television and Radio, and which have been subjected to a thorough renewal in the new building.

Afterwards, both will chair an inaugural ceremony which will be attended by the main authorities and guests, and in which they will unveil a commemorative plaque.

Commemorative activities for the 75th anniversary

With this ceremony begin the commemorative activities of the 75th anniversary of this news agency, among which stands out the historical exhibit which will be set up at Casa del Lector, located at the naves del Matadero in Madrid.

This exhibit will allow recovering, through images, the most relevant moments during EFE’s 75 years of life, with its technological evolution and its news landmarks, which took it from a small premise located at calle Vitoria in Burgos until becoming the first news agency in Spanish language in the world.