SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

EFE presents in the SIP summit its new national service for the US

22 October 2013 | Denver (EE.UU.)

EFE presents in the SIP summit its new national service for the US

The international news agency EFE presented in Denver (Colorado) its new plan for its global expansion, when it will celebrate in 2014 the 75th anniversary of its establishment, as well as a balance of the 40 days since the start of the new national service EFEUSA, in the United States of America.

During a press conference on Sunday, within the framework of the 69th series of the conference of the Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Inter-American Press Society, SIP) in a hotel in Denver’s downtown, Mr. José Antonio Vera, EFE’s Chairperson and Mr. Laureano García, Vice President of EFE News, explained a number of issues regarding the news Agency’s expansion and development.

'We are present in 120 countries. We are the first news agency in Spanish in the world. In Latin America, for instance, we are present in all countries, and 40% of the news agencies’ international information published is supplied by EFE', noted Mr. Vera.

For his part, Mr. Laureano García said that the new EFUSA service is a continuation of EFE’s commitment with Spanish speaking persons.

In the USA, EFE has a penetration level of more than 30% in the media which use Spanish, he added.

Taking advantage of the 75th anniversary of the creation of EFE, “we shall try to increase our presence in the Asian, African and Arab world markets. EFE has been operating for a long time at Cairo (Egypt) and it is negotiating the opening of an office in the United Arab Emirates ', explained Mr. Vera.

In the case of the United States, EFE will seek to reach an ever growing share of the 53 Million Spanish speaking persons who live in that country.

'Hispanic media in the United States have provided visibility to the Hispanic community. But Hispanics must still grow, give a jump in the social ranking, and become equal with the so-called “Anglo-Saxon” citizenry”, observed Mr. Laureano García.

With better information and Hispanic and general – Economy and business, culture, technology, sports, politics - contents, because everything which happens in the country affects Hispanics, 'we will maintain the language and our Latin cultures', he pointed out.

'We are going to grow in the United States of America together with the Hispanic community through appropriate contents and based on the network which we already have”, which includes offices in Washington, New York, Miami and Puerto Rico, a stable representation in California and Texas, and collaborators in the rest of the country, stated Mr. García.