SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The General Meeting of Shareholders of ENRESA approves the Annual Report regarding the management of the Company

24 June 2013 | Madrid

The General Meeting of Shareholders of ENRESA approves the Annual Report regarding the management of the Company

The General Meeting of Shareholders of the company ENRESA met today at its registered office in Madrid in order to know about the Directors’ Report and the Financial Statements of the Company. The ceremony was attended by representatives from the two shareholders of the Company; the General Director of the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) Mr. Cayetano López, and the Manager in charge of the Coordination of Mercantile Issues of the state-owned enterprise Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Ms. Victoria Lacorzana.

During the ceremony, ENRESA’s Chairman, Mr. Francisco Gil-Ortega, expressed his gratitude to all the employees of the Company who work with the common goal of fulfilling their tasks and making sure that the Company’s projects are known outside it. Mr. Gil-Ortega declared as “gratifying” the year spent leading the state-owned enterprise, in which, as he pointed out, a number of very important projects have been started, such as the Centralized Temporary Storage Site (ATC in Spanish), in which the first steps are already been taken to guarantee that the facility will be able to start operating at the end of 2017.

In his final remarks, ENRESA’s Chairman made a review of the other large projects of the Company, as the El Cabril Storage Site or the dismantling work which is being carried out in the former nuclear power station José Cabrera, which, in 2012, recorded a new “normal” year, achieving the goals set, and which have become referents in the world.

For his part, Mr. Cayetano López highlighted “the significance and complexity” of ENRESA’s mission, which he regards as a “key item” in the Administration, thus manifesting his readiness to “show his appreciation and support” the Company’s task.

The approval of the Annual Report closes a year in which the Company recorded an operating turnover of over 420 Million euros, and during which the Fund for Activities Financing of the General Plan for Radioactive Waste exceeded 3,500 Million euros.