SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The Generalitat Valenciana and SEPI complete the first phase of the largest project in Spain for promoting land for corporate uses

23 October 2007 |

The Generalitat Valenciana and SEPI complete the first phase of the largest project in Spain for promoting land for corporate uses

Inauguration of Parc Sagunt I

  • The investment for its promotion and that envisaged to be carried out by the companies which will locate there amount to more than 1.8 Million Euros, generating around 4,500 direct jobs

The President of the regional Government of the Comunidad Valenciana, Mr. Francisco Camps, together with the Chairman of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), Mr. Enrique Martínez Robles, the person in charge of Industry, Commerce and Innovation, Ms. Belén Juste, and the Major of Sagunto, Mr. Alfredo Castelló, inaugurated today Parc Sagunt I, and ambitious offer of land for the set up of new industrial and technological projects which covers 3 Million square meters of land, and which is located on the city council of Sagunto (Valencia).

The busibness park inaugurated today constitutes the first stage of Parc Sagunt, the largest promotion of land for corporate uses in Spain and among the largest of its kind in Europe, which covers a total surface of 9.5 Millions os square meters, which the Generalitat Valenciana and SEPI, through their respective companies SEPIVA and INFOINVEST, have promoted with the aim of creating a large economic promotion center, contributing in this way to fostering the industrial and the economic activity of this area. The investment envisaged in Parc Sagunt I, including that made by the private sector and that made in the Park development amounts to 1,832 Million Euros, and besides 4,500 new jobs will be generated.

SEPI's Chairman pointed out in his speech in the inauguration ceremony of the business park, that 'Parc Sagunt represents one of the most important actions carried out by INFOINVEST and one of those to which more effort and resources it has devoted, in order to realize the goals set at the beginning of the project', adding that 'this creation of new jobs and, in the end, of wealth constitutes the new reality into which the industrial reorganization of the eighties has been transformed, thanks to the resolute intention of building a future in Sagunto'.

In this first phase of Parc Sagunt 48 land-plots have been offered, with a total net surface of more than 1.8 Million square meters, of which all those for an industrial and technological use have already been awarded, which amounts to almost 85% of the above surface, being pending the land-plots for tertiary uses. Besides the surface earmarked for land-plots, it has also 600,000 square meters for streets and parking lots, and a similar area for green areas.

The activities required for developing this area are being carried out by the Sociedad Parque Empresarial de Sagunto, S.L., which is made up by INFOINVEST (50%), the Generalitat Valenciana (37,1%) and by SEPIVA (12,9%). The investment in this first phase of Parc Sagunt reaches the figure of 150 Million Euros, distributed between land and environmental restoration work, building and development, which will provide to the companies which set up there their facilities with the most up-to-date infrastructures and the best services for carrying out their activities.

SEPI, a promoter of economic activity

Parc Sagunt is one of the main activities in SEPI's program of economic promotion, whose goal is fostering the creation of new investment, economic growth and employment focuses, in economically depressed areas. Currently, these activities are being carried out through INFOINVEST, not just in the Comunidad de Valencia, but also in Asturias, País Vasco, Cantabria, Andalucía, Galicia and Aragón, which has meant the provision of a large amount of land for business purposes, the creation of new corporate projects and the generation of new jobs.

Infoinvest, as the company in charge of developing corporate land is one of the promoters, on its own or in collaboration with local or regional authorities. Through these companies it carries out the work required for developing the projects: technical studies, planning, urban permits, work for dismantling old facilities, cleaning up of the sites and the parks' development.

In the Comunidad de Valencia, besides Parc Sagunt, the business park of Requena is also being developed, in collaboration with that town's city council, with a total gross surface of around 1.7 Million square meters, in the so-called area 'Los Llanos del Rebollar', located in an strategically located place within the influence area of Valencia's metropolitan zone. This SEPI's action, which is carried out through INFOINVEST/INGRUISA, will mean a total investment of around 80 Million Euros.

Besides the activities carried out through the business parks, SEPI has at its disposal, as an economic promotion tool, SEPIDES, whose goal is investment promotion all over Spain. For that purpose, it identifies and contacts potential investors, to whom it provided technical and financial support, supplying them preferential credit lines, through participations in the capital or credit facilities, both common or participative loans.