SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Incorporation of a SEPI company for the treatment of polluted soils

02 May 2007 |

The Council of Ministers has authorized the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) to allow that ENUSA, Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., through its affiliated company Empresa para la Gestión de Residuos Industriales, S.A. (EMGRISA) to take part, as the majority partner, into the incorporation of a mercantile company whose basi activity shall be the operation of a facility for treating polluted soils.

60% of ENUSA´s capital is owned by SEPI, while the remaining 40% is owned by Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT). Its activity focuses in the research and exploit of the products from uranium fields, as well as the distribution and marketing of the resulting products.

EMGRISA, an affiliated company in which it is the sole owner, was incorporated in 1990, and its main activities are the management of all kinds of industrial and urban wastes, the provision of description and treatment services for polluted soils, as well as the provision of environmental inspection and auditing services. In its turn, EMGRISA has a 30% participation in the Sociedad Centro de Transferencias, S.A. (CETRANSA).

EMGRISA and CETRANSA shall incorporate a mercantile company whose activity shall be focused on operating a mobile facility for the thermal desorption for treating polluted soils. The stakes in this new company shall be of 55% and 45%, respectively.

Total investment shall amount to 3.49 Millones de euros, and among the effects resulting from it for the SEPI Group and the Administration are the solving of the current environmental problems, the reduction in the treatment cost, the synergies achieved within the SEPI Group and the leading role, from the public sector, in the innovation and the commitment for the environmental treatments.