SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Luis Cacho, currently head of coordination and institutional relations, appointed chief executive officer of Navantia Group

03 February 2011 |

Luis Cacho, currently head of coordination and institutional relations, appointed chief executive officer of Navantia Group

The Board of Directors of the military shipbuilding company Navantia, in the meeting which took place today, has appointed Mr. Luis Cacho, the current Head of Coordination and Institutional Relations, as Chief Executive Officer of the company. This appointment has been made after Navantia's general shareholders' meeting took place.

Mr. Luis Cacho Quesada (born in Jaén, in 1957) is a graduate in Economics and Law. Since 1983 he has been a member of the State corps of official experts in trade and economics. Currently he was the Head of Coordination and Institutional Relations in Navantia. He has been General Manager in Cofides, Director General of Trade and Investments in the Secretary of State for Trade, Director General for Food Policy in the Agriculture Ministry, and adviser for financial and trade issues in Spain's Embassies in Beijing, Havana, Bucharest, and Sofia.