SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Mercasa gets SEPI authorization for investing almost 3 million euros in the enlargement of Mercagalicia

21 March 2003 |

Within the Plan Galicia

The Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales has approved the investment of almost 3 million euros by its affiliated company Mercasa in Mercagalicia, for enlarging the platform which has Día, S.A. This investment takes place within the Plan Galicia, and it will allow to integrate new activities in the logistic distribution and the refrigerated storage industry. It is estimated that with the enlargement foreseen about 25 new jobs will be created.

The enlargement of this plot with new facilities appropriate for carrying out the distribution of foodstuffs and daily products will contribute to the consolidation of a great wholesale food and agriculture complex, which will provide service to a continually growing part of Galicia.

This platform has a built area of 14,700 square meters, on a landsite with a surface of 18,700 square meters, and it has been operating since April 1st, 1999 under a lease agreement made by Mercagalicia for the benefit of the Company Día. The land plot envisaged for the enlargement project has a total surface of 9,900 square meters, and on it there are currently two warehouses which, as a result of their condition must be demolished, so that they make way for the building of a number of modern facilities, which will also be leased to Día.

Mercagalicia, which began to operate in 1993, has a total surface of 63,000 square meters located on the industrial area of Tambre, very close to Santiago de Compostela, and it is the last Foodstuffs Unit which was integrated into the Mercasa's network of Mercas. It has a fruit and vegetable market, with 11 wholesalers, and one seafood bed, besides an area earmarked for complementary activities, which is the object of the enlargement foreseen in the Contract.

The work will begin on the first six months of 2004, and the Platform will be completely operative at the beginning of 2005.