SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Ms. Pilar Platero chairs the first meeting of SEPI’s Board of Directors as its Chairwoman

22 December 2016 |


  • The new Board has been set up today with the acceptance of their appointments by the new Directors

The establishment of the new Board of Directors of the Spanish state industrial shareholding company (SEPI) took place today with the acceptation of their appointments by the new Directors, after the appointment on December 9th of Ms. Pilar Platero Sanz as the Chairwoman of this state-owned enterprise. The Board is made up by its Chairwoman, Ms. Pilar Platero herself, by its Vice President, Mr. Federico Ferrer Delso, by the Secretary-General and of the Board, Ms. Mª de la Concepción Ordiz Fuertes, and by 14 Directors, who represent the Ministry of the Presidency and for Public Administrations; the Ministry of Defense; the Ministry of Finance and Public Service; the Ministry of Public Works; the Ministry of Employment and Social Security; the Ministry for Energy, Tourism, and the Digital Agenda; the Ministry for Agriculture and Fishing, Food, and the Environment; and the Ministry of Economics, Industry, and Competitiveness.

The Members of SEPI’s Board of Directors are Mr. Agustín Conde Bajén, Deputy Secretary of Defense, from the Ministry of Defense; Ms. Elena Collado Martínez, Deputy Secretary of the Public Service, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Service; Mr. Daniel Navia Simón, Deputy Secretary of Energy, from the Ministry of Energy, Tourism, and the Digital Agenda; Ms. Irene Garrido Valenzuela, Deputy Secretary of Economics and Support to the Enterprise, from the Ministry of Economics, Industry, and Competitiveness; Mr. José Mª Jover Gómez-Ferrer, Under Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency and for Public Administrations; Mr. Felipe Martínez Rico, Under Secretary from the Ministry of Finance and Public Service; Ms. Rosana Navarro Heras, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works; Mr. Pedro Llorente Cachorro, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Employment and for the Social Security; Mr. Jaime Haddad Sánchez de Cueto, Under Secretary from the Ministry for Agriculture and Fishing, Food, and the Environment; Mr. Alfredo González-Panizo Tamargo, Under Secretary from the Ministry of Economics, Industry, and Competitiveness; Ms. Begoña Cristeto Blasco, Secretary-General for Industry and the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from the Ministry of Economics, Industry, and Competitiveness; Ms. María González Pico, Chief of Staff of the Vice President and Minister of the Presidency; Ms. Marta Vega Velasco, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Finance and Public Service; and Mr. Juan Antonio Martínez Menéndez, Director-General for Patrimonio del Estado, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Service.