SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Navantia has signed today with Australia the contract for supplying three destroyers

04 October 2007 |

This contract, together with that for the building of tow amphibious ships, which shall be formalized next tuesday, mean a global business volume of 1,185 Milion Euros and over 10.2 millions of work-hours

Navantia and the Australian Government have signed today in Adelaide the contract by which the SEPI Group shipbuilding company shall provide the design and engineering for 3 destroyers for the Australian Navy, based on the F-100 frigates built for the Spanish Navy, as well as the technical aid for building them in Australia, which shall be carried out by the ASC shipyard.

The Spanish offer, the F-100 frigate, of which the Spanish Navy has four in service and one under construction, was chosen thanks to the quality-price relationship, against the offer submitted by the US company Gibbs & Cox.The contract signed amounts to 285 M¿, which include the technology transfer, technical aid and some equipment, such as the platform control integrated system, engines and turbines, which shall be supplied by Navantia itself.

Although all the building shall take place in Australia, this contract will mean for Navantia about 800,000 work-hours for the shipyard at Fene-Ferrol, about 42,200 hours for the Engines unit at Cartagena and approximately 43,300 for the FABA Systems unit of San Fernando.

This order, together with 2 amphibious ships, shall provide to Navantia a global business volume of 1,185 M¿ and over 10.2 Million work-hours. The award of both orders was announced on June and they represent a milestone in Spanish shipbuilding, and turn Navantia into the military naval designer and builder of reference at world level, and significantly contribute to the consolidation of a strong and feasible state-owned military shipbuilding industry, and of a project born of the reorganization of IZAR as the answer to the crisis due to the cases for the return of illegal state-aid began by the European Commission in the years 2000-2003.

The formalization of the second contract, for the building of 2 amphibious ships, is expected to take place next Tuesday, October 9th. Both contracts shall mean the biggest export deal in Navantia´s history.