SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors appoints the Chair and the CEO of ENRESA

28 May 2012 |

SEPI’s Board of Directors appoints the Chair and the CEO of ENRESA


  • Mr. Francisco Gil Ortega and Mr. Adolfo Cazorla Montero are appointed, respectively, as Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of ENRESA
  • The Board also resolved to appoint Ms. Matilde Galván Vallina as Sole Administrator of COFIVACASA
  • The Standing Committees for the companies of the SEPI Group were also approved

The Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) resolved in the meeting which took place today to authorize the appointments of Mr. Francisco Gil Ortega and of Mr. Adolfo Cazorla Montero, respectively, as Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of ENRESA, besides the future appointment by SEPI of the Chief Financial Officer for this company. Equally, the Board resolved to designate Ms. Matilde Galván Vallina as Sole Administrator of COFIVACASA.

Mr. Francisco Gil Ortega, who has been today appointed to chair ENRESA, is a graduate in Chemistry by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and he has chaired the Technical College of Ciudad Real. Currently he was the Vice President of the regional Parliament of Castilla-La Mancha, although he has also filled a number of high level positions after being the mayor of Ciudad Real between 1995 and 2007, Senator between 1989 and 2004, and regional Congressman since 2007 up to now.

For his part, ENRESA’s new CEO, Mr. Adolfo Cazorla Montero, has a PhD by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and he is Head of the Engineering Projects Department, and also Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Economic Affairs and previously, Secretary-General of this University. He has performed a number of high level positions in the Administration, both at State level and at regional level. In the regional government of Madrid, since 1996 until 2000 he was General-Director for Agriculture and Food and Deputy Minister for Economics and Employment. Later, during the years 2000-2004, he chaired the General-Directorate of the National Institute for Research and Technology in Agriculture and Food (INTA) which is attached to the Ministry of Science and Technology. In the course of his academic and scientific activity he has leaded over 30 studies, 10 PhD projects, and he has written 20 books, besides as many scientific articles. He is an advisor at the Inter American Development Bank.


Finally, the new Sole Administrator of COFIVACASA, Ms. Matilde Galván Vallina, is a graduate in Economics Sciences and Business by the Universidad Complutense. She began her professional activity in the private sector, and among other companies, she has worked in Heineken España, as Head for Taxation and Administration. She was also a professor of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics in the College Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros. In 2002 she started working in Fundación SEPI, where until now she was General Deputy Director.

It is worthwhile to point out that this meeting, which has lasted for several hours due to the significant number of items which were included in the Agenda, also served for the Board of Directors resolving to authorize the Standing Committees of the companies which make up the state-owned holding, and which include for each company, among other issues, the resolution to raise to the General Ordinary Assembly the authorization of the Annual Accounts, the profit distribution, the amendment of the Bye-Laws or the appointment of Auditors, as corresponds to any mercantile company.