SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors approves the changes at the chairpersonships of Agencia EFE and SAECA

06 May 2012 |

SEPI’s Board of Directors approves the changes at the chairpersonships of Agencia EFE and SAECA

The Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has resolved in its meeting which took place today to appoint Mr. José Antonio Vera Gil for the Chairmanship of the news agency Agencia EFE and Mr. José Ramón Bujanda Sáenz for the chairmanship of the Sociedad Estatal de Caución Agraria (SAECA).

Mr. José Antonio Vera, the new Chairman of Agencia EFE, is a graduate in Information Science. Until his current appointment, he was Publications Editor in the newspaper La Razón, and besides he participated in such television programs as Espejo Público in Antena 3, 59 segundos in TVE, Madrid Opina in Telemadrid, as well as in other stations. In the radio, he takes part in the radiobroadcaster Onda Cero in the programs Herrera en la Onda and La Brújula, and before that, in Radio España and in La Mañana of Cadena COPE. His professional career began in the radio, in Radio Juventud in Málaga and in Madrid, working later in Radiocadena Española. In the printed news, he worked in the newspapers Sol de España and in ABC, in which he filled several positions of responsibility. He has also been the editor-in-chief of the weekly A Tu Salud Verde.

SAECA’s new Chairman, Mr. José Ramón Bujanda is a graduate in Civil Works Technical School, and he has a diploma by the IESE business school. A large part of his professional career has taken place within the Grupo Cementos Portland, where he has filled, among other posts, those of Technical and Engineering Director of Cementos Portland, S.A., Chairman of Coastal Cement Corporation and General Manager of Hympsa, besides being the Chairman and a Member of the Boards of Directors of the Group’s affiliated companies, of which he has also been the Director in charge of institutional relations. Equally, he filled the chairmanship of the Spanish National Association of Concrete Manufacturers (ANEFHOP) and of the European Association of Concrete Manufacturers (ERMCO). Among many other posts, he has been a member of the steering committee of the Madrid employers’ organization, Confederación Empresarial de Madrid (CEIM).