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TVE and Efe will share synergies and resources

18 December 2012 |

TVE and Efe will share synergies and resources

RTVE and Efe will share synergies and resources as a result of an agreement which envisages moving TVE’s offices to those of EFE in some capitals and the creation of the “shared press correspondent” in Buenos Aires (2013), as well as in Río de Janeiro and in Tokyo (2014).

This agreement will allow Efe to reinforce its corporate activity abroad, according to the news agency’s management, which has highlighted the 'public and corporate” nature of two institutions which, thanks to this agreement will offer a service which will be “more efficient and with a higher quality”.

The agreement was made public today by the Chairperson of Corporación RTVE, Mr. Leopoldo González-Echenique, at the Parliamentary Control Committee of Corporación RTVE at the Chamber of Deputies in answer to a question made by the congresswoman from the Popular Party, Ms. Julieta de Micheo.

'With this agreement RTVE succeeds in expanding its presence to all the world, thanks to the support provided by Agencia Efe', stated Mr. Echenique.

In some capitals TVE will move to Efe’s offices, in which both entities will share the costs; for the time being, this measure will be implemented in Mexico, Bogotá and in Moscow, which will mean a saving which is envisaged will amount to almost 80,000 € in 2014, he explained.

Shared press correspondent

The 'shared press correspondent ' will be a person with a journalist profile, hired by Efe and with an audiovisual training given by RTVE, which will be TVE’s image in different world capitals 'which were not reached by us so far ', said Mr. Echenique.

In this sense, he explained that in 2013 Buenos Aires will be the first capital in which this novel figure will be applied; in this city RTVE will continue giving all the news which take place in Argentina, but with a yearly estimated saving of 340,000 €, 76% less than now.

In 2014 the savings will amount to 280,000 € and it will have two new press correspondents, one in Río de Janeiro and the other in Tokyo.

The agreement also envisages that EFE will guarantee to RTVE its aid in all the world, 'on the condition that there exist technical possibilities from the audiovisual standpoint for doing so, and at market prices'.

'The agreement has the clear vocation of increasing TVE’s presence in the world” stated Mr. Echenique, in answer to a question made by Rodríguez Barreira.

Also, the Chairperson of Corporación RTVE reminded those present that the Framework Mandate of Corporación de Radio y Televisión which was passed by the Spanish Parliament stipulates that RTVE 'will maintain its presence abroad, especially in Europe, North Africa, Latin America, North America, the Middle East and the Far East'.

And in this regard, 'Corporación RTVE will optimize the costs which result from the technical and human costs not only among the affiliated companies, but also seeking agreements with the state-owned news agency Agencia Estatal de Noticias Efe', states the Framework Mandate.

'What is being done now is to give a further step in the direction of intensifying this collaboration between both entities', he concluded.

Shared delegations

Efe’s Management reminded those present that it already has being sharing delegations with RTVE for some years, and it highlights that this agreement seeks to reinforce this collaboration policy optimizing press correspondents “while at the same time it will allow RTVE to set up in countries in which it was not present, such as in Japan and Brazil'.

Efe, which is regarded as the fourth biggest news agency in the world and the first in Spanish, is present in all five continents through more than 3,000 correspondents who work in 180 cities in 120 countries. It offers text, photography, video and radio services, as well as multimedia products to communication media, institutions and companies from all over the world, both in Spanish and in Catalan, Gallician, Portuguese, English and Arab.