SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Vera announces a plan for strengthening EFE in the American continent and for opening up new markets

04 October 2013 | Madrid

Vera announces a plan for strengthening EFE in the American continent and for opening up new markets

The Chairperson of the news agency AGENCIA EFE, Mr. José Antonio Vera, announced today the strategic plan prepared by the Company’s Management “for making it progress and securing a hopeful future for it”; through it, the goal is to strengthen its position in the American continent and opening up new markets in other regions.Mr. Vera made these declarations before the Congress’ Budgetary Committee, where he also showed his being “very satisfied” with the results of the labor force adjustment plan (ERE) began by the news Agency because “not a single lay off” has taken place and the workers have “given an example of effort and professionalism” getting the work done “in the most difficult terns”.

He pointed out that “the hardest measure of all” that of applying the so-called “temporary suspension of the contracts of employment” has been considerably reduced and in this sense, he highlighted that in one year the number of workers affected by this measure and who suffered a 50% cut in their salaries decreased from 168 to 98.

'We seek that the measure of applying a 50% cut in the salary is used less and less and, if we could remove it altogether, it would be a great satisfaction for us', he declared.

EFE’s Chairman also mentioned the services contract which the news agency has with the Spanish State, to which he has asked to promote it since “it is the fundamental axis for the Company’s activity” and it is still “not enough and entails dramatic falls” for the news agency.

'It is our wish that the State will profit from this service, which is fundamental for our country’s cultural, strategic and informative interests, as well as for the Brand Spain, its companies and institutions” he stated.

Besides, Mr. Vera highlighted that EFE’s budget is smaller than that of the smallest regional television broadcaster in Spain.

He also mentioned that the news agency contributes to the “streamlining of the public sector” with its relocation to a building owned by SEPI, a change which “is practically a real fact” and which will entail savings of 200,000 Euros in comparison with the cost of the current offices.

With regard to the strategic plan, Mr. Vera explained that the draft has already been submitted and that they are waiting for SEPI’s approval, pointing out that it is intended to make use of Agencia EFE’s “strengths”.

Those strengths, he stated are “the brand image and credibility, our global coverage capacity for multi-thematic contents, our presence and influence in Latin America, and the consolidated positioning in “traditional information”.

The goal, besides achieving its expansion into the Spanish-language markets in the United States, is expanding its presence in retail markets with added-value products, to win access to new media and specialized sectors, the audiovisual development and offering customized products which allow customers to reduce their costs.

In order to achieve all that, he stated, EFE must continue being one of the main news agencies at international level and increase its influence, besides being a main news source for digital media, “without forgetting traditional media while they last”.

In particular, he specified, the news agency seeks to continue refocusing on multimedia contents, develop its audiovisual field, strengthen and create services in other languages, as well as continue developing products on demand, procurement bids and collaboration.

'All of this within a modernization process of our labor framework and an ambitious technological renewal” said Mr. Vera, who highlighted that “we are committed with this and also with growing abroad”.

As part of the above, Agencia EFE’s Chairperson mentioned the proposals of domestic and regional services which are being prepared in America and the state projects for developing local news agencies, as for instance a bid won in Colombia.

The socialist congressman Mr. Juan Luis Gordo manifested to be worried about the quality of the information provided by the news agency because, in his opinion, it has suffered a “significant worsening”.

He agreed with Mr. Vera in the fact that the fee for the contract which EFE has with the State has been decreasing during the last years, and he accused the Government of “showing less commitment” with the pubic service work carried out by the Company.

On behalf of the Popular Party, Mr. Ramón Moreno described as “exemplary” the “reorganization” of the workforce carried out in EFE, and he pointed out that when Mr. Vera was appointed, he found “the worst heritage from his predecessors”, because the news agency “was practically doomed to its winding-up”.