SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Grupo SEPI reaches a 57 M€ net income in the first six months of 2016

29 October 2016 | Madrid

Grupo SEPI reaches a 57 M€ net income in the first six months of 2016

  • The Group’s consolidated earnings reached 1,971 M€, while the net turnover amounted to 1,897 M€
  • The orders won by the companies reached 1,039 M€, which resulted in an accumulated order book of 4,542 M€

Grupo SEPI closed the first half of this year with a net income attributable to the parent company amounting to 57 M€, which entails an improvement of 77 M€ against the same period in 2015, which recorded a total loss of 20 M€. This positive evolution is the result of the contribution made by the participated companies which consolidate their results through the application of the equity method (REC, AIRBUS, INDRA and ENAGAS) and the dividends accrued.

The Group’s consolidated earnings reached 1,971 M€, while the net turnover of Grupo SEPI on June 30th, 2016 reached 1,897 M€; from this amount, the largest contributions were made by Grupo CORREOS, with 48% of the total; by Grupo NAVANTIA, with 18%; by Grupo TRAGSA, with 17%, and by Grupo ENUSA, with 7%.

On the other hand, the expenses attached to the activity of Grupo SEPI amounted to 2,167 M€, 5.2% lower than those recorded in 2015. From that figure, about 45% correspond to Grupo CORREOS, while attending to the nature of the charges, 53% of them correspond to wages, 27% to supplies, about 15% to external services, and 5% to depreciation and sundry expenses.

The total of the orders won by the Group’s production companies during the first half of 2016 reached 1,039 M€, thus placing the accumulated order book on June 30th, 2016 in 4,542 M€. In this sense, mention must be made to the order books of Grupo NAVANTIA, which reached 2,096 M€; that of Grupo ENUSA, amounting to 1,446 M€, or that of Grupo TRAGSA, of 699 M€. The order books of the Group’s remaining companies represent in total 301 M€.

The total workforce of Grupo SEPI as of June 30th, 2016 amounted to 71,758 persons, of which 69% correspond to CORREOS; 16%, to TRAGSA; about 8% to NAVANTIA, and about 2%, to HUNOSA.