SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

ENSA, UC and CTC are exploring new collaboration approaches on R&D

01 December 2016 | Santander

ENSA, UC and CTC are exploring new collaboration approaches on R&D


  • Up to 30 research and development projects are being currently developed by the UC and Equipos Nucleares

Equipos Nucleares, S.A (ENSA) and the Universidad de Cantabria (UC) held their 7th annual meeting for exploring new ways for collaborating within the research and development field, and for the first time, the Centro Tecnológico de Componentes (CTC) joined the meeting.

More than forty researchers, managers, and technicians have explored new collaborative approaches, ranging from the joint participation in research programs, engineering capabilities, productivity, trials, etc. During the talks attendants pointed out the role played by the UC’s Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) as a place for receiving and channeling the innovation requirements from companies – including those from the small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs – as well as the need for closer forums for fostering personal links.

About this link between the University and the Company, which began in 1988, the Chairman and CEO of ENSA, Mr. Eduardo González-Mesones, pointed out that “ENSA would not be what it is without the collaboration and the added value provided by the Universidad de Cantabria, in historical terms”. The result of this kind of forums is that always appear new collaborative projects “which help us to keep evolving”.

Mr. Javier León Serrano, vice-chancellor for Research and Knowledge Transfer at the UC said that “currently up to 30 research projects are being developed with ENSA”, which means “an intensive exchange and knowledge transfer, one of our main goals”, and that during the last five years, contracts amounting to 2.5 M€ were concluded with this company “being a clear instance of how must be the relationship between a university and the productive industry”. This is why “this kind of meetings are so important”.

Ms. Beatriz San Cristóbal Marcano, head for Projects and Business Development at CTC – an institution which takes part for the first time in this symposium – highlighted the importance of this meeting for “making known the innovation requirements which ENSA raises now, and those which are envisaged for this year”. This “allows us a better focus on the technologies on which we are currently working”.

For the President of the Social Council of the UC, Mr. José Luis Zárate, this meeting constitutes “ a model initiative which might be applied by more companies which wish to take advantage of the University’s capabilities and skills”.