SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

End of the Plan Conecta2, carried out by TRAGSA for improving rural roads in Andalusia

14 April 2016 |

End of the Plan Conecta2, carried out by TRAGSA for improving rural roads in Andalusia

  • The Head of the Department of Agriculture, Fishing, and Rural Development, Ms. María del Carmen Ortiz, visited in Grenade one of the Plan’s refurbished roads
  • Grupo TRAGSA was in charge of implementing the Plan promoted by the Department of Agriculture, Fishing, and Rural Development of the regional Government of Andalusia

All the works included with the Plan Conecta2 have been concluded. The above plan was promoted at the end of last year by the Department of Agriculture, Fishing, and Rural Development of the regional Government of Andalusia for improving the rural roads which go through the territories belonging to a number of municipalities or inhabited settlements in this region.

Work has been carried out in a total of 26 roads: three in Almeria, nine in Grenade, one in Huelva, five in Jaen, five in Malaga, and three in Seville. The works included earth moving, supplying, extending, and compacting sands, and applying asphaltic and concrete road surfaces, among other works.

Within the framework of these works, on April 1st, the head of the Department for Agriculture, Fishing and Rural Development of the regional Government, Ms. María del Carmen Ortiz, paid a visit to the works for refurbishing the road from Los Llanos to Quemado, in the municipalities of Moclín, Atarfe and Pinos (Grenade).

During the visit, both the Head of the Agriculture department and the mayors of the three municipalities concerned expressed their satisfaction with the work made so far to the Manager in charge of the Grenade area of Grupo TRAGSA (the company in charge of the works), Mr. Santos Elola.

All the projects included in the Plan Conecta2 have as their goal to reduce the time and cost for accessing the markets in the territories involved, promoting rural development of the Andalusian municipalities through a better connection among the inhabited settlements and the production centers, facilitating the access of vehicles and farming equipment for performing the habitual work in the land estates, as well as reducing the vulnerability of rural roads to the effects of an adverse weather and providing coverage to infrastructures’ improvement.


TRAGSA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.