SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

AGENCIA EFE and EurActiv announce an alliance focused on European information

28 January 2016 | Madrid

AGENCIA EFE and EurActiv announce an alliance focused on European information

The Spanish state-owned news agency AGENCIA EFE and the European information group EurActiv announced today their alliance for producing in Spain a website specialized on the follow-up of the latest issues, the policies and the debates of the European Union.

AGENCIA EFE, the first international agency in news in Spanish, and EurActiv, regarded as the reference portal for information about the European Community, presented the new shared portal 'Euroefe-EurActiv' which will diffuse openly multimedia contents for the Spanish-speaking public.

The announcement about this editorial and commercial association coincides with the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the accession of Spain to the European Communities.

During the presentation ceremony, which took place at the Press Club in Brussels before members of the EU institutions, of diplomats, regional representatives, of companies and of private associations, the two new partners highlighted the importance of joining forces in order to cover the complex European current news.

The Head of EFE’s international department, Mr. José Manuel Sanz, recalled that the first effort carried out by the Spanish news agency on European information dated back to 1994, when it set up the first news online service in Spanish about the EU, called Euroefe.

For its part, EurActiv was born fifteen years ago in Brussels, with an original business model, and it has managed to set up a network of specialized portals in a dozen European countries in as many languages.

The goal of 'Euroefe-EurActiv' is that of becoming into a “referent” for the reader in Spanish language who wants “to know more” about Europe, including the keys which are hidden behind each news item, in a “didactic and direct” language which allows every kind of reader to understand the European project, explained the EFE’s manager.

During the event took place also the presentation of a new alliance of EurActiv in Italy, with the editorial group Class Editori, which is linked to such publications as Italia Oggi and Milano Finanza, with more than 450,000 global readers.

Photograph: The Head of the Agencia EFE’s international department, Mr. José Manuel Sanz (second from the left), during the event organized in the Press Club in Brussels in which Efe and the European information group EurActiv announced their alliance for producing in Spain a website specialized on the follow-up of current news, the policies and the debates of the European Union. Photograph: EFE/Horst Wagner

EFE and Grupo SEPI

AGENCIA EFE belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a final workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.