SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Grupo ENUSA submits its Annual Report

29 June 2017 | Madrid

Grupo ENUSA submits its Annual Report


  • The corporate group recorded in 2016 a 305 M€ turnover
  • The Juzbado fuel factory exported 65% of its production to nuclear power plants in Europe
  • The transport affiliated company ETSA made more than 43,000 shipments within the nuclear medicine field
  • EMGRISA, the Group’s environmental company, increased its activity in polluted soils and in environmental consulting

Since 2007 Grupo ENUSA prepares its annual reports in accordance with the principles and requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the most important international reporting norms for Corporate Social Responsibility. That is to say, the guidelines regarding the company’s financial, corporate and environmental performance, which seek to provide trustworthy, transparent, and significant information to our stakeholders, and at the same time to facilitate the comparability.

Grupo ENUSA’s Annual Report for the financial year 2016 is the second of its kind which has been prepared according to GRI Guide G4, the latest version of these Norms, which ditches the performance approach to another based on the management of the sustainability.

Main figures and landmarks in 2016 of Grupo ENUSA

The strong promotion of the internationalization, the upholding of the competitiveness, and the increase in the investment on innovation continue being Grupo ENUSA’s commitments in 2016.

The group of companies had in 2016 735 employees and recorded a turnover of 305 M€. Its profits after tax reached 10 M€.

The Supply Area of ENUSA, the Group’s parent company, has concluded significant purchase contracts for uranium concentrates which guarantee the competitive supply of uranium to the Spanish nuclear power plants.

In the Fuel Production area production reached in 2016 290.7 Tons of uranium equivalent (tU), of which 65% were exported to European nuclear power plants.

The Juzbado Factory succeeded in renewing the Manufacture and Operation and the Physical Protection Licenses for a 10-year period, both of which are granted by the Ministry for Energy, Tourism, and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) after the report issued by the quorum of the Nuclear Security Board (CSN).

The company continues with its internationalization activity with the supply of fresh and irradiated fuel inspection equipment within the international market.

ENUSA maintains its commitment with Innovation through the R&D projects. In 2016 the annual investment on these programs amounted to more than 5M€, focused for the most part on developing equipment for fuel manufacture, inspection, and fitting-out, as well as on developing design methodologies and on the introduction and follow-up of new products.

The affiliated company for the transport of special goods, ETSA, carried out 44,647 shipments, of which: 417 were related to the nuclear industry, 43,563 with nuclear medicine and with other radioactive items, and the remaining 667 with other products (in tanks).

As for the environmental activities in 2016, Emgrisa is ready for taking advantage of the new opportunities which result from the improvement of the environmental market. The financial year 2016 has been defined by the increase of the activity in polluted soils and environmental consulting, as well as by the recovery of the waste area.

For its part, the Juzbado’s biogas plant and the urban waste plant in Cervera de Maestre have met the expectations for 2016.

The Facility of Saelices el Chico continued with the closure of the former mining facilities and with the dismantling and closing of the Quercus Plant. In 2016 work continued on the production of “customized” artificial soils, for which an artificial soil, designed and manufactured bearing in mind the composition and the properties required by each of the affected areas, with the goal of recovering the natural area affected by the operation activities.

For the full Annual Report, the summary Report, and a video, click HERE.