SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS’ 300th anniversary will appear on 5.5 Million ONCE tickets

28 January 2016 | Madrid

CORREOS’ 300th anniversary will appear on 5.5 Million ONCE tickets
  • ONCE’s Chairman, Mr. Miguel Carballedo Piñeiro and CORREOS’ Chairman, Mr. Javier Cuesta Nuin, presented today the ticket at CORREOS’ Main Office Madrid-Cibeles

ONCE dedicates its ticket for February 2nd, 2016 to CORREOS 300th anniversary. A total of 5.5 Million tickets will bear through all of Spain the celebration of this anniversary.

Mr. Miguel Carballeda Piñeiro, ONCE’s Chairman, and Mr. Javier Cuesta Nuin, his counterpart in CORREOS, presented today the ticket about “CORREOS’ 300th Anniversary” together with Managers from both institutions.

The Mail’s origin in Spain goes back to Romans. During the Middle Age, the kingdoms into which Spain was divided set up their own mail systems. Spain’s mail organization was transformed with occasion of the kingdoms’ unification with the Catholic Kings, the discovery of the American continent, and later with the territorial expansion in Europe under the reign of Charles I.

The granting of the royal privilege for the mail on the Tassis family put into their hands all the mail regime. At the beginning of the 18th Century, mail stopped being a privilege granted by the monarch and became a Royal Duty. Royal roads were improved, tariffs were rationalized, a Mail House was built at the Puerta del Sol Square in Madrid, and the first postmen were appointed in Spain.

During the 19th Century, the evolution of the mail system turned into a revolution with the arrival of the railway, which improved and shortened mail delivery times. The invention of the prepaid stamps resulted in a cheaper service, which in turn expanded. Electrical telegraphy promoted the press, the businesses, and the State itself. The 20th Century continued with the same modernizing trend. The aircraft, the motor car, radiotelegraphy, the mechanization of mail procedures, all improved the mail service.

Currently, in the new technologies era, CORREOS has answered the new challenges with the inclusion of the most innovative means into all the mail procedures; from automated processing centers to the use of portable computing appliances for its delivery personnel, and with the launch of its virtual postal office


The collaboration between ONCE and CORREOS began in 2012, when both institutions concluded a collaboration agreement, as a result of which CORREOS provides its integral logistical services to ONCE; in this way, the latter could unified its logistics and left it in CORREOS’ hands, a company which has at its disposal a large capillarity and territorial reach, with more than 10,000 access points, of which 2,379 are multi-service offices, 100 are special services units, 1,804 are delivery units, and more than 6,700 rural services.

The ONCE’s Daily Ticket offers, for a price of 1.5 €, 55 prizes of 35,000 € for guessing the five figures. Furthermore, for a further 0.5 €, the customer has also the opportunity of betting for the series, and thus of winning the so-called prize of 'La Paga'(The Salary) for the amount of 3,000 € per month during 25 years, which is added to the 35,000 € prize. The numbers which precede and follow the winning number have each a 500 € prize; and prizes for 200 €, 20 €, and 6 € for those whose tickets end with the four, three and two last numbers as the winning ticket. As well as the reimbursement of the amount betted for the last and first number.

ONCE’s tickets are commercialized by the Organization’s 20,000 selling agents. As always, thanks to the point-of-sale Terminals (POST), the customer can choose the number who they like the most. Furthermore, they can be purchased from the gaming official

Correos/Grupo SEPI

Correos is part of Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has a direct, majority shareholding participation, with a final workforce of about 73,000 professionals in 2014, and to which is attached the state-owned radio-and-television corporation, as well as one public foundation. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 10 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies.

Correos is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.