SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS makes a commitment in favor of electric vehicles for renewing its fleet CORREOS makes a commitment in favor of electric vehicles for renewing its fleet

22 January 2016 | Madrid

CORREOS makes a commitment in favor of electric vehicles for renewing its fleet CORREOS makes a commitment in favor of electric vehicles for renewing its fleet

  • It puts into circulation 25 new Renault Kangoo ZE electric vans, with Zero emissions
  • It has also purchased 100 Scutum electric motorbikes which will enter service during the first Quarter of 2016

CORREOS continues with its plan for expanding and renovating its vehicles fleet. To the purchase of almost 1,400 vehicles which it made last summer, between motorbikes, vans and trucks, it adds now the acquisition of 25 Kangoo ZE electric vans and of 100 Scutum electric motorbikes. This set of measures are part of the actions which the postal company is implementing for renewing the fleet in an homogenous way and for expanding it wherever it is needed, thus reinforcing the service for the distribution of shipments made with a vehicle.

While the previous purchase of vehicles – thanks to the experience of CORREOS’ distribution personnel, who had requested from the suppliers to adapt the machines’ performance to the daily distribution requirements - presented a higher level of safety and comfort, together with a lower energy consumption and polluting emissions, these new vehicles are evidence of the Company’s undertaking of reducing CO2 emissions. The reduction of this kind of emissions by Grupo CORREOS reach 33%, and its challenge is to continue on this path and minimizing the negative impact which its activity has on the Environment.

Environmental commitment

Taking advantage of this purchase, CORREOS will implement a new project within the so-called Plan 100-300-1,500 of the “Electric vehicle” integrated within the OPT (Offices for Transformational Projects) for managing all aspects involving the electric vehicle, dealing with different issues which have to do with many of the company’s areas: among them stand out with regard to the infrastructures, the assembly of the uploading stations, checking the required power and the electricity tariffs of the buildings to which these vehicles will be destined.

Other issues will involve training all the users involved and the confidence about its feasibility after carrying out a number of analysis regarding the user’s experience, financing, and a study from three different points of view: financial, energy, and environmental (pollution abatement).

For the last five years, CORREOS has made a commitment in favor of electric vehicles. Up to this date, and not taking into account those purchased in 2015, CORREOS had already bought 207 electric vehicles (88 electric bicycles, 100 electric motorbikes, and 19 four-wheeled vehicles). For some years, and in a number of towns with small historical quarters whose narrow streets complicated the delivery by car, the postal company put into use electric prototypes which fulfilled the task of making the delivery with a zero environmental impact.

This time, the 25 vans and the 100 motorbikes, all of them corresponding to the last-generation version, have been purchased taking into account the Company’s requirements, such as range, loading capacity, technical performance and profitability, and also those requirements which citizens demand.

The purchase of these vehicles also includes training courses for the personnel for their management, operation and maintenance, oriented towards the knowledge, efficiency and safety.

The 25 Kangoo ZE vans purchased present identical features to those purchased before, although the engine is obviously different. They have an electrical range of 170 kilometers, although under real driving conditions it is estimated that the range is more like 130 kilometers. They will be sent to Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Seville, where they will be in service already during January.

Notwithstanding the fact that the cost of these vans is higher than usual, thanks to the Plan de Ayuda Movele 2015, of which CORREOS took advantage, with aids of 8,000 € per vehicle and of 1,000 € for each charging point, the investment made resulted in being just a little higher than those made before, with a total cost of 363,527 €.

The 1,000 motorbikes are a last-generation model, of the Spanish make located in Barcelona, Scutum 1 (in which La Caixa and Repsol have a stake), the SO2 Logistic, with lithium ion batteries, and a 70 kilometer range. They will be destined to Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Malaga, Saragossa, and Bilbao, and they will enter service at the end of the first quarter of 2016. The cost of the motorbikes has amounted to 375,000 €.

The purchase of these 125 electric vehicles has had a total cost for the Company of 738,000 €.

CORREOS’ fleet is currently made up by more than 12,600 vehicles, of which around 9,000 are motorbikes. They cover a distance of more than 60 Million kilometers each year for delivering around 3,600 Million shipments per year.

CORREOS is supporting all the initiatives from companies, organizations and citizens aimed at promoting the transition towards a low-carbon economy, in which economic growth becomes decoupled from the use of fossil fuels: this is the only effective way for succeeding in containing global warming.

As evidence of CORREOS’ commitment with the electric vehicle technology, in 2016 it has joined AEDIVE, the employers’ association for the development and promotion of the electric vehicle and founder of the Alianza INERCIA, the Corporate Initiative for the Smart Cities and Associations Network, which is made up by a number of associations keen in promoting activities within the framework of the Smart Cities and leading the field of the electric vehicle. An initiative into which CORREOS has been taking part for the last year.


CORREOS belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a final workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.

CORREOS is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.