SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS adds to its fleet 100 electrical Scutum motorbikes

14 April 2016 |

CORREOS adds to its fleet 100 electrical Scutum motorbikes

  • They will be available for mail delivery in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Saragossa, Seville, and Vizcaya 
  • Totally made in Spain, the electrical Scutum S02 motorbike stands out for its technological quality and ease of use 
  • The Chairmen of CORREOS and Repsol, together with Scutum’s CEO chaired the official delivery ceremony

CORREOS has added to its fleet 100 electrical scooters Scutum S02, manufactured by Scutum, which will join the postal company’s new sustainable vehicles. The ceremony at which took place the delivery of the Scutum motorcycles was held this morning at the Repsol Campus in Madrid, with the participation of its Chairman, Mr. Antonio Brufau, who opened up the meeting, together with his counterpart at CORREOS, Mr. Javier Cuesta; Scutum’s CEO Mr. Carlos Sotelo; the General Manager of Caixa Capital Risc, Mr. Carlos Trenchs; the President of CDTI, Ms. María Luisa Poncela, and the CEO of Transportes Autónomos por Carretera, the company which commercializes Scutum in Spain, Mr. Jorge Magaña.

Scutum’s S02 model, a company in which Repsol has a shareholding participation, as well as the bank La Caixa, through Caixa Capital Risc, and CDTI, meets all the requirements from CORREOS’ staff. It reaches a speed of 80 km/h and can load up to 175 kilograms, with a range of up to 100 kilometers. It has LED lightning, a reverse gear function, and 3 different driving modes: City, Sport and Eco, which allows saving more than 500 € per 10,000 kilometers.

CORREOS has managed to reduce its CO2 emissions by more than 30% during the last few years. Adding these sustainable vehicles, the company takes a further step into the process which it is carrying out for renovating and expanding its electrical vehicle fleet, achieving a significant reduction in emissions, a commitment which it shares with Scutum.

“In the pursuit of the sustainability commitment undertaken by this postal company which I chair, we have taken advantage of the fleet renovation for starting a new project which is part of the Action Plan c 100-300-1,500 for managing the electrical vehicle in a global way”, pointed out Mr. Cuesta, CORREOS’s Chairman, who highlights the support which his company gives to the initiatives from companies, organizations, and citizens for promoting the transition towards a low –carbon economy.

Currently, CORREOS’ fleet is made up by more than 12,600 vehicles, of which around 9,000 are motorbikes, which cover more than 60 Million kilometers every year for delivering about 3,600 Million shipments per year.

For Mr. Sotelo, Scutum’s CEO, “The delivery of these 100 electrical scooters to CORREOS means a great stride for us. We are pioneers in this industry, and after five years of research, development and much effort, we can say that currently we have got the best electrical motorbike for fleets, and that we lead the sales of electrical motorbikes in the Spanish market. CORREOS is a forerunner of the change, and we look forward to keep jointly working towards a more sustainable mobility”.

A customized design with an ecological mark

Completely made in Spain and distributed in exclusive by Transporte Inteligente, the Scutum S02 scooters have been especially designed for the city and have been thought up for facilitating the everyday work.

Scutum’s scooters offer many customization possibilities. Thus, CORREOS’ electrical motorbikes include, added to the standard model, an emergency brake and the postal company’s trunk for the mail. The design of the fairing is in the corporate yellow color, with the company logo and a green lateral, highlighting its sustainable component.

The 100 Scutum will be delivered to CORREOS’ distribution units at different locations in Spain: 25 will go to Madrid, 25 to Barcelona, 15 to Valencia, 12 to Malaga, 8 to Saragossa, 8 to Seville, and 7 to Vizcaya.

About Correos /Grupo SEPI

Correos belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has a direct, majority shareholding participation, with a final workforce of about 73,000 professionals in 2014, and to which is attached the state-owned radio-and-television corporation, as well as one public foundation. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 10 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies. 

Correos is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.

About Scutum

Scutum, a company participated by Repsol, La Caixa – through Caixa Capital Risc - and CDTI, was born in 2011 with the goal of facilitating the transition of urban scooter riders from gas to the electrical world. In 2014 it launches for the first time the s02 model, an electrical scooter aimed at the transportation world, betting for the change towards an electrical mobility with an ecological, responsible and profitable project. And currently it is finishing off its novel model for particulars with a removable battery, which will be available in 2017. The technology used by Scutum for manufacturing its products has won the acknowledgement of the Association of Spanish Agencies for Energy Management with the National Award EnerAgen 2015, and also with the Premio Emprendedor XXI in the category “Creces” industrial, thus consolidating the company as the one with the largest growth potential within the industry in Spain.