SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

New routes in the application “Caminos Naturales de España” developed by Tragsatec

06 July 2016 | Madrid

New routes in the application “Caminos Naturales de España” developed by Tragsatec

  • The tourist information application Network of Natural Routes of Spain features augmented reality capabilities
  • During the last year 14 new itineraries have been added to the 3 initial ones

The application Caminos Naturales de España (Natural Routes of Spain), developed by Tragsatec (Grupo TRAGSA), which combines the functionalities of a Field Guide with the possibilities offered by the interactive technologies, has included during this last year 14 new routes, which join the three pilot routes with which the project began.

Among these 14 new routes, stand out on the Northern part the trails of the Eresma, on the Cantabrian Mountains (one day), that of the river Barbantiño and of the Ribeira Sacra, of the Carrilet (one day), from Montfalcó to the Congost de Mont-Rebei, from Hoya de Huesca (2 days), and Plazaola.

For its part, the Southern part adds the natural route of La Jara, of the Lozoya Valley, of the Sierra, that of the Subbética, of Ojos Negros, that of the Sierra de Alcaraz, and the Turia-Cabriel.

Novelties in the application

Through the application, users will be able to place themselves on specific locations along these routes and to filter, according to their requirements, the most interesting points along the way.

Another of the new features involves the inclusion of information about the birds on the Caminos Naturales and of links with data about the remaining routes which make up the Network of the Natural Routes.

Specifically, it has fallen on the Quality, Environmental Assessment and the Natural Environment department and the Geographical Information Systems department at Tragsatec the order to develop this project for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment.

Application of the Network of Natural Routes

The tourist information application Red de Caminos Naturales de España features Augmented Reality’s capabilities. It allows to make self-guided routes on 17 Natural Routes all over the country.

Each of the routes includes a detailed description, practical data, avifauna, and maps of the route and detailed information about the main points of interest which the user can find on the surroundings.

Furthermore, the Augmented Reality tool which this application includes allows the user to make the route on his own, following the virtual signals and locating on the landscape the main points of interest. It includes also links with information regarding the remaining routes which make up the Network of Natural Routes.


Grupo TRAGSA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.