SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The National Park Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica opens up the paths and the visitor center made by TRAGSA

02 September 2016 | Madrid

The National Park Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica opens up the paths and the visitor center made by TRAGSA

  • One of the most emblematic national parks of the Central American country renews its facilities for providing a better service to the tourists who visit the área

After the work carried out by Grupo TRAGSA, the National Park Rincón de la Vieja in Costa Rica will be capable of receiving a larger number of visitors – up to 250- and will improve its attention, reception, information, and assistance service to its visitors. The improvements will allow visitors to enjoy audiovisual rooms and having available a room for local guides, a shop, a coffee shop, and restrooms.

Grupo TRAGSA was in charge of this project, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The activities take place within the framework of the “Tourism Program in Protected Woodland Areas” developed by the SINAC (National System of Conservation Areas in Costa Rica), whose goal is consolidating tourism at the state-owned protected natural areas as a tool for strengthening sustainable management.

Thanks to this program, a direct contribution is made to the local socioeconomic development and to the preservation of the natural resources.

Renewal of the facilities

Until now, the Park lacked similar facilities and it had just a small stand for collecting the admission tickets and controlling purposes.

Another work consisted in the refurbishment of the two existing paths, the Circular las Pailas and La Cangreja. The first, with a length of 3.4 km and circular, has been adapted for its use by disabled persons in some parts of the circuit, with the construction of three bridges with a length of up to 25 meters, and of a further ten of six meters in length. Equally, at the La Cangreja path, which has an overall length of 5 kilometers, three bridges of up to 25 meters each have been built.

With these works, the circuit has been restored and even changed, including new items which enhance the visit and contribute to increasing the user’s safety, comfort, and enjoyment.


Grupo TRAGSA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.