SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Mr. Pérez-Reverte, Ms. Carmen Posadas, Mr. Jordi Basté and, King of Spain international journalism prizes

24 January 2017 |

Mr. Pérez-Reverte, Ms. Carmen Posadas, Mr. Jordi Basté and, King of Spain international journalism prizes

The journalist and writer Mr. Arturo Pérez-Reverte, the writer Ms. Carmen Posadas, Mr. Jordi Basté, the digital journal, and journalists from Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, and Mexico have been awarded today with the King of Spain international journalism Prizes.

In this 34th series of the Prizes, which are organized every year by the Spanish state-owned news agency  AGENCIA EFE and by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID), Mr. Pérez-Reverte has won the Don Quixote Prize for Journalism for an article on the impact of the large-scale arrival of immigrants and refugees into Europe, which was published by the magazine XL Semanal on September 13th, 2015.

The jury awarded the Latin American Journalism Prize to Ms. Carmen Posadas for her article 'Soñar en español' (Dreaming in Spanish), which was published on August 8th, 2016 and in which the journalist, which has both the Spanish and Uruguayan nationalities, defends the Spanish language at a time in which the number of Spanish-speaking persons in the world is strongly growing.

The Prize in the Radio category was for Mr. Jordi Basté, Manager of El Mon a RAC1, the program in Catalan language with the highest audience in Catalonia, for 'Atentados en París' (Terrorist Attacks in Paris), which was broadcasted by RAC1 on November 13th, 2015.

The Prize for Digital Journalism was awarded to Mr. Gregorio Rodríguez Ramos, on behalf of the team for special programs in the daily EL PAÍS, for the work '40 años del 20 N: La transformación de un país' (40 years since November 20th: The Transformation of a Country), which was published on on November 2015.

The Prize for Environmental Journalism and Sustainable Development has been awarded to the Colombian Ms. Patricia Gómez and to her team for their work titled 'Plomo: Veneno invisible' (Lead: Invisible Poison), which was broadcasted by RCN Televisión on August 15th, 2016.

The Brazilian Mr. Vinicius Jorge Carneiro Sassine won the Journalism Prize for his work 'Recusas da FAB impedem transplantes de 153 órgãos', on the special program 'Saúde em segundo Plano', which was published on the daily O Globo on June 5th, 2016.

The Photography Prize was awarded to the Cuban Mr. Yander Zamora for his photograph 'Llegada del Air Force One' (Arrival of the Air Force One), which was published by different international dailies, on March 2016.

The Television Prize was awarded to the Mexican Mr. Carlos Loret de Mola for the program 'Éxodo' (Exodus), which lasts for 50 minutes, and which was broadcasted on the Televisa’s program 'Despierta' (Awake), on August 25th, 2016.

Each of the Prizes, which are sponsored by the international building and concessionaire group OHL, is endowed with 6,000 € and with a bronze sculpture from the artist Mr. Joaquín Vaquero Turcios.

The Prize for Environmental Journalism is promoted by Fundación Aquae, while the winner of the Don Quixote Prize for Journalism is awarded a 9,000 € prize and one commemorative sculpture, and is sponsored by the Spanish state-owned enterprise TRAGSA.

The King of Spain international journalism prizes have as their goal to acknowledge the work carried out by Spanish and Portuguese speaking professional journalists from the countries which make up the Latin American commonwealth, as well as from those countries with which Spain keeps historical links.

It is expected that the Prizes will be awarded next spring, in a ceremony chaired by the Kings of Spain.