SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

IBERDROLA awards to NAVANTIA a contract with an estimated value of more than 120 Million Euros for its East Anglia One offshore wind farm

07 September 2016 | La Coruña

IBERDROLA awards to NAVANTIA a contract with an estimated value of more than 120 Million Euros for its East Anglia One offshore wind farm
  • The agreement involves the construction of a first set of 34 jackets, which will be installed on this new infrastructure for renewable energy and which will be developed by Iberdrola on English waters
  • The Chairmen of Iberdrola, Mr. Ignacio Galán, and of Navantia, Mr. José Manuel Revuelta, sealed the contract during the ceremony which was attended by the President of the regional Government of Galicia, Mr. Alberto Núñez Feijóo

Iberdrola has awarded to NAVANTIA and to Windar a contract valued in more than 120 M€ for the offshore wind farm East Anglia One, which is currently being developed by the electricity company on English waters and which, with a capacity of 714 Megawatts (MW) has become the biggest Spanish project ever in the renewable industry.

The agreement stipulates the construction of the foundation system on which will be installed the future wind turbines of East Anglia One. Specifically, NAVANTIA will be responsible of the construction, at its shipyards in Fene (Corunna), of 34 jacket-type last generation foundations, while Windar, at its facilities in Avilés, will build their respective piles.

The contract awarded is one of those being bided by Iberdrola for constructing the foundations of this offshore wind park, and it is the result of a highly contested international bid in which, besides NAVANTIA, took part leading companies in this industry.

The agreement has been signed this evening, at the Naval Construction Museum (Fundación Exponav) at the Arsenal de Ferrol, by Ibedrola’s Chairman, Mr. Ignacio Galán, and by his counterpart in NAVANTIA, Mr. José Manuel Revuelta, during a ceremony which was attended by the President of the regional Government of Galicia, Mr. Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

This order gives continuity to that already developed by these companies during the last year and a half for Iberdrola’s German offshore wind farm, Wikinger, which was successfully implemented by NAVANTIA and Windar, both regarding the quality and the deadlines, the construction and supply aboard of a ship of 29 jacket-like structures and of 116 piles.

Thanks to this award, Iberdrola will contribute to guaranteeing the employment in NAVANTIA and in Windar at their respective facilities, since the above will generate, from March 2017 to June 2018, around 850,000 work hours, with 600/700 jobs created on average and employment peaks of up to 1,300 persons. Furthermore, many local companies will benefit, as has already happened with the Wikinger project.

After the signing of the agreement, Mr. Galán, Iberdrola’s Chairman, highlighted that “thanks to the quality of the work carried out for our wind farm in Germany and to the experience and the know-how obtained in the construction of its structures – both in Fene and in Puerto Real – we are proud to announce a new award to NAVANTIA for a new offshore wind farm project, East Anglia One, which Iberdrola is developing in the United Kingdom, on the North Sea waters”.

For his part, Mr. Revuelta, NAVANTIA’s Chairman, pointed out that “this contract consolidates NAVANTIA as a referent within the wind power industry, and provides continuity to its presence in the industry, and reiterates its trust in being able to increase its participation in this project, increasing the number of jackets to be built at Fene and with winning the order for the construction of the substation for this wind farm”.

East Anglia One, one of the biggest offshore wind farms in the world

East Anglia One will constitute one of the biggest offshore wind farms in the world when it begins to operate, by 2020, thanks to an installed capacity of 714 MW which will supply clean energy to more than 500,000 English households.

This represents the largest renewable energy project developed ever by a Spanish company, with the investment of 2,500 M£, and it is a clear show of Iberdrola’s strong commitment in the fight against climate change.

Besides of this order awarded to NAVANTIA and Windar, Iberdrola has already made others regarding this project, such as that awarded to the Siemens Company for the supply of 102 wind turbines, each with a 7 MW capacity.

The scale of this initiative has no precedents in the Spanish renewable energies industry. As an example, the surface which will occupy the wind farm will exceed of 300 square kilometers, the equivalent of 3,000 soccer fields; the cable which will transport inland all the energy from the wind farm will have an 85 kilometers length (the distance between Madrid and Toledo); the substation will have a 1,144 m2 surface (the size of the soccer stadium Vicente Calderón in Madrid); and the wind generator’s blades will have a length of 75 meters each.

East Anglia One is the third project which Iberdrola implements in the offshore wind energy industry. The company already operates in the United Kingdom the offshore wind farm West of Duddon Sands, with a 389 MW capacity, and has Wikinger under construction, with a 350MW capacity, and which will be located on German waters.

This new offshore wind farm is part of an even more ambitious project, since Ibedrola has requested to the British Government to expand this facility to up to 2,000 MW. To that end, it has submitted to the authorities of the United Kingdom a proposal for building the offshore wind farm East Anglia Three, which will have a capacity of 1,200 MW.

About Iberdrola:

With a history of more than 170 years, Iberdrola is nowadays one of the biggest electricity utilities in the world in terms of market capitalization. This is the result of and a referent in renewable energies: it produces and supplies electricity to around 100 Million persons in those countries in which it is present, fundamentally Spain, the United Kingdom, the US, Mexico, and Brazil.

After the deep transformation underwent along the last 15 years, Iberdrola is now one of the biggest utilities in the world in terms of stock value. This is the result of the combination of a corporate vision thanks to which the company anticipated in 2001 the industry’s trends, with a strategy for implementing it, of a successful implementation, and of the ethical values which always guide its performance.

On the basis of all of the above, Iberdrola is dealing with a new period of growth and with a strong investment cycle from 2016 to 2020, basically in regulated businesses or with long-term contracts, which will provide the security, stability, and visibility which characterize the Company’s business model. Iberdrola will keep its social commitment, acting as an engine for growth and employment in those countries in which it is present, generating sustainable value for all its stakeholders.


NAVANTIA constitutes a world reference in the design, construction and integration of warships with a high-technological content, as well as ship repairs and upgrades. Besides, its activity lines include the design and manufacturing of combat and command and control systems, integrated platform management systems, firing control systems, propulsion engines and the Life Cycle Support for all its products. Although its main activity is in the naval field, NAVANTIA also designs and manufactures systems for the Army and the Air Force.

NAVANTIA belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a workforce of around 73,000 professionals in 2014; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further ten companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.