SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Mr. Pablo González, appointed Chairman of Sodiex

09 December 2003 |

Mr. Pablo González González is the new Chairman of Sodiex (Company for the industrial promotion of Extremadura) since last Monday, December 1st, date on which he assumed this post in the meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, of which he already was a Member.

This appointment is the result of SEPI's will of promoting the work carried out by the regional development companies and that of Sepides, which integrates all of them, aware of the importance of contributing from the state-owned sector to supporting the private corporate initiative so that the later can generate economic growth and new jobs.

Mr. Pablo González comes to Sodiex from Sepides, the majority shareholder of the company from Extremadura, of which it owns 62.29% of the capital; he was the Director in charge of Selection and Control of Investments since December 2002. Before, he was Managing Director in a number of insurance and financial companies, during the last six years, and he was in charge of the Financial Department of the factory which IBM España has in Valencia.

Sodiex's new Chairman is a graduate in Economics, specialized in Econometry, and has a diploma in en Project Finance by the Instituto de Empresa of Madrid.

Sodiex is, together with Sodiar and Sodicaman, an affiliated company of Sepides (SEPI Desarrollo Empresarial, S.A.), which in turn is owned by the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI). The activity carried out by Sepides has as its goal, within the framework of SEPI's reindustrialization policy, to promote the economic and social development of Spain through the support and promotion of private investments all over Spain, with regional and industrial analysis, financial lines and consulting specialized services.