SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Juan Ramón Cuadrado Roura, new Chairman of the Consultative Board of Privatizations

22 December 2004 |

Madrid, December 22nd, 2004.- The Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economics and the Treasury, Mr. Pedro Solbes, has appointed Mr. Juan Ramón Cuadrado Roura as Chairman of the Consultative Board of Privatizations, replacing Mr. Luis Gámir Casares.

Mr. Juan Ramón Cuadrado Roura was already a Member of the Consultative Board of Privatizations. He is a professor of Applied Economics at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Director of the Economics and Social Research University Institute and holder of the Jean Monnet 'Economic Policy and European Union' Chair. He has been General Secretary of the Ministry of Transports, Tourism and Communications, Visiting Professor at the University at Berkeley, and he has taught and given seminars in many foreign universities and centers.

At the same time, Mr. Eliseo Fernández Centeno y Ms. Matilde Olvido Fernández Blanco have been appointed Members of the above mentioned Board, and they occupy the posts left vacant by Mr. Juan Ramón Cuadrado Roura and by Mr. Enrique Ribas Mirangels.

Ms. Matilde Olvido Fernández Blanco is a Doctor in Economics Sciences, Agronomic Engineer and professor of Financial Economics at the Universidad de Valencia, where currently she is Deputy Rector of Economics and Administration.

Mr. Eliseo Fernández Centeno is a Doctor in Economics Sciences, has had a continued teaching career and has occupied different posts in a number of universities. He has been a Member of the Tribunal de Cuentas (Court of Auditors) from 1989 to 2001.

The Consultative Board of Privatizations was established in June 1996 and its goal is to submit reports about the adjustment of the privatization operations to the principles of publicity, transparency and fair competition, as well as to report about all the matters which the Government might refer to it, as well as by the Delegate Commission for Economic Issues, or by the Managers in charge of the privatization process.

The appointment of the Members of the above Board is a competence of the Second Vice President and Minister of Economics and the Treasury, since the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales reports to the Ministry of Economics and the Treasury.