SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Aliexpress and CORREOS join forces for improving the international purchase experience of Spanish consumers

05 November 2015 | Madrid

Aliexpress and CORREOS join forces for improving the international purchase experience of Spanish consumers
  • Spanish consumers will be able to enjoy CORREOS’ delivery service for the purchases which they make to the sellers associated to AliExpress, the global sales platform of Alibaba Group. The goal of the new logistical service is improving the delivery and transport times of the goods from China to Spain, in a more transparent way and with a better follow-up of the shipments between both countries
  • With this agreeement, CORREOS strengthens its ecommerce strategy and progresses towards its goal of becoming the leading operator in the international logistical industry
  • Under the name “Correos Economy”, the new service will manage with efficacy and in less time the shipments’ delivery. AliExpress customers in Spain will be able to follow-up their orders since the moment they make their purchase to the moment when the products arrive to CORREOS’ logistical centers in Madrid



Cainiao, the logistical company affiliated to the the Alibaba Group announces the signing of a strategic collaboration agreement with CORREOS aimed at facilitating and accelerating the delivery times of the shipments of AliExpress – the global sales platform of the Alibaba Group – to the Spanish consumers. Customers will be able to choose and benefit from CORREOS’ delivery service for the purchases which they make to the AliExpress’ sellers who are associated to this service, thus improving their experience of international buying and the reception of their shipments in Spain.

These new across-the-border services, implemented on the AliExpress platform under the delivery option 'Correos Economy', will reduce the delivery times for the shipments and will allow their management with more efficacy. The products purchased both with 'Correos Paq 72' –CORREOS’ packaging service specifically designed for ecommerce – and with “Correos Economy” will be delivered through the direct routes which join the source cities in China with Spain, which will entail a significant improvement in the delivery times of the orders for the buyers.

A key advantage of this collaboration agreement is that it makes possible to trace the shipments from their source, and thus consumers will have a thorough information about the status of the shipments from the moment they were purchased, thanks to the integration of the communication protocols between CORREOS’ information systems and AliExpress’ ecommerce platform, a through Cainiao.

Ecommerce and internationalization

'This agreement confirms CORREOS’ commitment with the promotion of ecommerce in Spain and it will benefit AliExpress’ customers in our country, who always seek a better quality in their deliveries. It also constitutes a step forward towards the diversification of CORREOS’ business, in which ecommerce plays a strategic role directly linked to the growth of the logistical market”, adds Mr. David Muntañola, Commercial and Marketing Director at CORREOS.

According to Mr. Pello Zúñiga, Marketing Director of AliExpress España, 'our main goal is improving our services for the costumers in Spain, and this agreement will significantly improve the deliveries for our customers. Next November 11th we organize for the second time in Spain the “11.11”, our World Sales Day, and we are sure that CORREOS’ collaboration will make the event even more attractive for the Spanish customers'.

CORREOS is setting up a number of initiatives specifically aimed at the ecommerce industry and which allow the company to be present in all the stages of its value chain: from the setup of online shops through the platform 'Comandia by Correos', going through the logistical management of the shipments, to the launch of innovative solutions such as CityPaq and Homepaq, the appliances which allow the automated collection of the packages and which have been created in order to facilitate the final delivery to the addresses, even when these are not at their domiciles.

Furthermore, this cooperation with AliExpress constitutes a landmark in another of CORREOS’ strategic lines, the internationalization of its business, and allows it to progress in its positioning as one of the main operators within the field of the international logistics and across-the-border transactions.For CORREOS this agreement represents to be a step closer to its goal of becoming in the best provider of packaging and physical and digital communication services in the Spanish market, a key goal included in its Action Plan '100-300-1.500', the roadmap which it is applying in its transformation.

The 11:11 – World Sales Day

On November 11th, 2015 AliExpress organizes the second series for Spanish customers of the 11.11. The original concept involved providing offers and discounts during the change of season to consumers in China, as well as providing an opportunity for sellers to show their gratitude to their followers for their support through the years. Now this event has become global.

For this year, AliExpress will make available to its users Millions of products with discounts of up to 50%, or even more. Spanish customers will be able to choose among more than 40 product categories, from many and varied brands, at very competitive prices, and without shipment expenses. There will also be games and contests for winning discount coupons, and activities which will result in customers enjoying a more complete and amusing online purchase experience. One year more, AliExpress will offer its customers the possibility of enjoying of the 11.11 from their homes or with their mobile appliances, and of being part of this world phenomenon. Those Spanish customers who want to take advantage of this year’s bargains, have only to click here: (Spanish consumers will be redirected to the Spanish website).

About Correos/ Grupo SEPI

Correos belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has a direct, majority shareholding participation, with a final workforce of about 73,000 professionals in 2014, and to which is attached the state-owned radio-and-television corporation, as well as one public foundation. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 10 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies.

Correos is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with around 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes around 3,600 Million shipments per year, and it reaches daily 28 Million households, companies and institutions. It has a human team made up by more than 50,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.

About AliExpress

Launched in April 2010, AliExpress is a retailer global market for consumers all over the world, and its presence is highest in Russia, Brazil, and in the US. The platform allows consumers from all over the world directly buy from wholesalers and manufacturers in China and having access to a wide range of products at very competitive prices. AliExpress is a company belonging to the Alibaba Group. For more information about us, you can follow us on our social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

About Cainiao

Cainiao (formerly known as China Smart Logistics), the logistics affiliated company of the Alibaba Group, works for meeting the current and future logistical demand from Chinese online and mobile commerce. It owns a logistical information platform which provides real time access to information both to buyers and to sellers, as well as the information which allows to the suppliers of delivery services to improve the efficiency and the efficacy of their services.