SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Agencia EFE celebrates in Peru its 75th anniversary with a photographic exhibition

24 September 2014 | Lima

Agencia EFE celebrates in Peru its 75th anniversary with a photographic exhibition


AGENCIA EFE celebrates in Peru its 75th anniversary with the inauguration next Friday of photographic exhibition which constitutes a trip through the memory and current situation of Spain and Latin America; it is located at the Centro Cultural Inca Garcilaso which belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The exhibition 'EFE, 75 years in photos' will be opened by the Chairman of AGENCIA EFE, Mr. José Antonio Vera, and by Peruvian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Claudio de la Puente, and will stay open until November 22nd.

The exhibition, which is sponsored by Red Eléctrica Internacional, the parent company of Redesur, illustrates moments which are embedded in the collective memory, and which go from Francoism and the restoration of Democracy in Spain to the political, social and economic transformation experienced by Peru and Latin America in the last decade.

Along this visual tour, Franco’s years are revisited, showing some curiosities, such as the doctored photograph of a meeting held in 1940 general Francisco Franco and Adolf Hitler, during the Second World War, or Eva Perón’s visit to Madrid, in 1947.

The exhibition includes images taken by EFE’s photographers which recorded events which made world news, such as the attempted coup d’état which threatened the young Spanish democracy on February 23rd, 1981.

The exhibition shows great sporting, social and political events, as well as images about celebrities from the cultural and international political worlds.

Photographs from Peru

It also includes photographs from Peru, which show its rich cultural heritage, its touristic jewels, and the brilliance of its creators, such as the Literature Nobel Prize Mr. Mario Vargas Llosa.

Other protagonists of the exhibition are the tenor Mr. Juan Diego Florez, the former General-Secretary of the UN, Mr. Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, as well as the reputed Peruvian chefs Mr. Gastón Acurio, Mr. Diego Muñoz and Mr. Virgilio Martínez, and the soccer players Mr. Teófilo Cubillas and Mr. Hugo 'Cholo' Sotil.

Since its setup, EFE has had a strong commitment with Latin America, as shows the fact that its first international correspondent office was opened at Buenos Aires in 1965, while that at Lima opened in 1966.

With over 3,000 professionals distributed all over the world covering more than 120 countries, EFE generates daily more than 5,000 news items on text, photo, audio, video and multimedia formats.

In 1995, the Premio Príncipe de Asturias for Communication and Humanities acknowledged the work carried out by several generations of professionals from EFE and their effort for consolidating the relationships between Spain and Latin America.

Photo: EFE.

About Grupo SEPI

AGENCIA EFE is part of Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned companies in which it has direct, majority shareholding participations, with a final workforce of more than 74,000 professionals in 2013; the Spanish state-owned television and radio corporation, Corporación Radiotelevisión Española, which is attached to SEPI, and one public foundation. Equally, SEPI has direct minority shareholdings in a further nine companies, and indirect shareholdings in more than one hundred companies.