SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Grupo SEPI recorded in 2013 a 500 M€ net consolidated profit

27 June 2014 | Madrid

Grupo SEPI recorded in 2013 a 500 M€ net consolidated profit

The Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) approved today in a meeting the Annual Accounts for the financial year 2013, which record for the Group a net consolidated result of 500 M€ attributed to SEPI, as the parent company, which exceeds the 452 M€ recorded in 2012.

The activity carried out during the financial year by the companies which make up Grupo SEPI resulted in a consolidated turnover of 3,992 M€ which, together with other net income, resulted in a total operating income for the state-owned holding amounting to 4,398 M€ in 2013.

Among the most relevant events stand out the important commercial commitment made in 2013 by NAVANTIA for having access to new orders and which is becoming a reality during this year 2014. Those actions have made possible, for instance, the signing of the contract for Pemex’s oilrigs support ship, during the first quarter of 2014, and the award of the engineering work for the construction of a vessel for the Turkish Navy, along the same lines of those built at Ferrol for the Spanish and Australian Navies. Equally, it is worthwhile to highlight the effort made by HUNOSA in the design of a Company Plan which makes possible to define the Company’s future along the best possible terms and conditions, and which was agreed after a three-month long negotiation last May 15th.

Total expenses related to the companies’ activities amounted to 4,592 M€. This figure means an accumulated reduction of 4.1% in comparison with those recorded during the previous year, and of 20.8% in comparison con 2011, in homogenous terms, including the Grupo Correos.

As for the most important portfolio activities carried out in 2013, these were the sale of 1.58% of the shares in EADS NV (now AIRBUS GROUP), the purchase of a 20.14% shareholding in the social capital of INDRA SISTEMAS S.A., the sale of ENUSA’s affiliated companies, ENUSEGUR, S.A.U. and ETSA-DOI, S.R.L., and the winding up of the company TECONMA through its takeover by ENUSA itself.

Finally, mention must be made to the fact that the final workforce of Grupo SEPI on December 31st, 2013 reached a total of 74,397 persons.