SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Fundación SEPI celebrates its 50th anniversary at its Campus Los Peñascales

10 May 2014 | Madrid

Fundación SEPI celebrates its 50th anniversary at its Campus Los Peñascales
  • CORREOS has issued today a stamp commemorating the institution’s birth


Fundación SEPI celebrated today at Campus Los Peñascales (Torrelodones – Madrid) its 50th anniversary with an academic event. During it, CORREOS presented the stamp which commemorates the 50 years reached by this foundation, whose activities are focused on training, research and the promotion of studies on economics and the corporation.

The Chairman of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) and of the Board of Trustees of Fundación SEPI, Mr. Ramón Aguirre, gave the closing speech; afterwards took place the honorific postmarking of the stamp which CORREOS has put into circulation, which belongs to the philatelic series called “Efemérides”.

In the ceremonies also took part the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, Ms. Pilar Platero, the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works, Mr. Mario Garcés, CORREOS’ Chairman, Mr. Javier Cuesta, and the General Director of Fundación SEPI, Mr. Ángel Díaz.

In his speech, SEPI’s Chairman highlighted the important role which Fundación SEPI performs, through its scholarship program, from which have already benefited 18,000 graduates through their internships in companies, in which many of them have been able to continue developing their professional careers. He also stressed the importance of the Centro de Investigación de Economía Aplicada (research center on applied economics) of Fundación SEPI, for which predicted a huge success.

Reflections on the Spanish economy

SEPI’s Vice President and also of the Board of Trustees of the foundation, Mr. Federico Ferrer, also took part, giving the closing speech at a round table dedicated to “Reflections on the Spanish economy”.

In this round table, which was chaired by Fundación SEPI’s General Director himself, Mr. Ángel Díaz Chao, participated Mr. Ángel de la Fuente, researcher at the Fundación Economía Analítica del CSIC, Mr. Diego Rodríguez, Member of the Spanish antitrust watchdog Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, and Mr. Joan Torrent, Director of the UOC Business School.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Ferrer pointed out the great value of the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (survey on corporate strategies, ESEE) which is carried out by Fundación SEPI every year since 1990.

The stamp

Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Fundación SEPI, CORREOS (a company which belongs to Grupo SEPI) has put into circulation today a stamp commemorating this event.

The stamp’s presentation, which belongs to the philatelic series “Efemérides”, has taken place also today at Campus Los Peñascales. The design shows the logo of Fundación SEPI and the image of the main building at Campus Los Peñascales, the training center for companies and institutions which is located at Torrelodones (Madrid).

The stamp has a face value of 0.38 € and a print of 220,000 copies, is an offset printing, in gummed paper. Its size is 40.9 x 28.8 mm.

Fundación SEPI

Fundación SEPI was created in 1964, by the Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI), under the name of Fundación Santa María del Espíritu Santo. During all these years it was known under different names until reaching the current one, which reflects its being under the control of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI).

The Fundación’s goals are mostly focused on managerial training and economic studies. It carries out activities linked to the following issues; management of a scholarship program for integration into the labor market, which each year provides professional training in companies to more than 300 young graduates; the development of the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (survey on corporate strategies), a database on the Spanish manufacturing industry which is at the service of researchers from all over the world; and the maintenance of the Programa de Investigación en Economía Aplicada (research program on applied economics), whose purpose is to promote clear, carefully thought-out and independent ideas about the public policy.

Equally, Fundación SEPI manages the Colegio Mayor Universitario Fundación SEPI (hall of residence of Fundación SEPI), which is attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; it provides educational services to companies through the Programa de Formación de Directivos (managers’ training program), at the Campus Los Peñascales (Madrid), which is owned by the Fundación and finally, it manages the social services for the benefit of the employees of Grupo SEPI.