SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

The Board of Directors resolves to appoint Ms. María de la Concepción Ordiz as SEPI’s Secretary General and of the Board

31 January 2014 | Madrid

The Board of Directors resolves to appoint Ms. María de la Concepción Ordiz as SEPI’s Secretary General and of the Board

The Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales resolved, in the meeting which it held this morning, to appoint Ms. María de la Concepción Ordiz, who until now held the position of Head of the Legal Council, as SEPI’s new Secretary General and of the Board.

Ms. María de la Concepción Ordiz replaces in the above position Mr. Alfredo Parra García-Moliner, who recently left the state-owned holding company in order to work for the technology Ezentis Group.

A graduate in Law by the Universidad de Oviedo and a State Lawyer, Ms. Ordiz has a wide and long professional experience in the legal world. Among other positions, she has been a State Lawyer for the Legal Counsel of the AEAT (the Spanish Internal Revenue Service), a Member of the Comisión General de Codificación para la Reforma Concursal (codification committee for the reform of the bankruptcy procedure), a State Lawyer in the supporting unit of the General Deputy Department in charge of the suits of particulars against the Administration in the Legal Services of the State, or the Head of SEPI’s Legal Counsel; she held this later position since June 2013. Besides, in 2010 she was awarded the Cross of Honor of St. Raymond of Peñafort, a Spanish civil Order of Honor, which is bestowed by the Ministry of Justice.