SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors resolves to nominate to Indra the appointment of its two Directors

06 September 2013 | Madrid

SEPI’s Board of Directors resolves to nominate to Indra the appointment of its two Directors
  • Mr. Juan Carlos Aparicio and Mr. Adolfo Menéndez are nominated as SEPI’s two new Directors in Indra after the purchase of 20.14% in its social capital last August
  • Indra’s Board of Director must approve this nomination


The Board of Administration of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) resolved in its meeting held today to propose to Indra Sistemas, S.A. to begin the proceedings required for appointing as Members of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Juan Carlos Aparicio Pérez and Mr. Adolfo Menéndez Menéndez, who will replace Bankia’s representatives, in accordance with section 244 of Royal Law Decree 1/2010 on July 2nd, by which was passed the consolidated text of the Ley de Sociedades de Capital (Capital Companies Act).

It is worthwhile to remember that on August, in keeping with and in implementation of the resolution of the Council of Ministers held on August 2nd, 2013, SEPI bought 33,057,734 shares in Indra Sistemas, S.A., which represent a shareholding participation of 20.1% in the social capital, which were held by Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, S.A. (32,813,822 shares), Bankia, S.A (186,870 shares), Mediación y Diagnósticos, S.A. (28,093 shares) and Participaciones y Cartera de Inversión, S.L. (28,093 shares). The purchase deal was made through a direct and out-of-the stock exchange transaction, for a total price of 336.99 M€.

Mr. Juan Carlos Aparicio is a graduate in Chemistry, and an expert in Entrepreneurial Organizations and Deputy Secretary of the Entrepreneurs’ Association of Burgos. Currently he chaired the Chamber of Deputies’ Inland Committee and was a Member of the Constitutional Committee, as well as of the Regulations Committee and the Mixed-Committee for Relationships with the Court of Auditors, besides being a substitute Member of the Standing Committee.

He was a Minister of Labor and Social Affairs from 1999 to 202; Deputy Secretary of Social Security from 1996 to 1999; Mayor of Burgos from 2003 to 2011, deputy to the Parliament by the province of Burgos from 1989 to 1996, 2000 to 2004, and since 2008, and a Member of the Senate between 2004 and 2008.

Besides, he has held other important positions, such as a Member of the Boards of Directors of Iberia and Banco Exterior de España in 1996 and 1997; Vice President and Head of the Presidency Department in the regional Government of Castilla y León in 1989; deputy in the regional Parliament of Castilla y León (1983-1989); or Chairman of the Board of Parkmusa (town-council parking lots), CETABSA (Burgos’ Transport and Customs Center) and the Association for Burgos’ strategic plan, all of them between 2003 and 2011. Finally, he has been awarded the Great Crosses of Carlos III, that for Civil Merit, and that of Isabel La Católica.

As for Mr. Adolfo Menéndez Menéndez, he is a graduate in Law by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Legal Representative of the State on extended leave of absence. Currently, he is an emeritus partner at the Law Firm Uría Ménendez, a professor of Financial Public Law at the IE Law School and holder of the professorship “José María Cervelló” about professional deontology, besides being the Secretary-General of the Spanish Association of Foundations and of the Fundación Príncipe de Asturias.

He began his professional career as a Legal Representative of the State in Toledo, being later transferred to the Presidency’s Ministry and the Ministry of Health. From 1988 to 1996 he developed and integrated Ernest & Young’s Tax and Legal Department, in which he served as partner. He held the position of Undersecretary in the Ministry of Defense (1996-2000) and of Public Works (2000-2004). Since 2004 he led at Uría Menéndez the area for Real-Estate, Urban Planning and Environmental Law until 2006, when he went to the Public and Procedural Law. Mr. Ménendez, with an important and long professional career, has also carried out a significant work in the development of the international, European and domestic regulation regarding state procurement, the defense industry, transport, the pharmaceutical and health industry, or sport law. Finally, he has been a Member of the Board of Directors in a number of Spanish companies, such Tabacalera, Telefónica, RENFE, Construcciones Aeronáuticas and Gestor de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias.

With regard to teaching, he was behind the creation of the law programs at the IE Law School, has taught Administrative Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and in the Rey Juan Carlos I (Centro Ramón Carande), he is the author of a well-known work in his special field of knowledge, and he is a Member of the Editorial Boards of a number of scientific journals from professional associations, and he also writes in the media.


Indra is Spain’s number one consulting and technological multinational, and one of the most important in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the basis of its business and sustainability, having invested more than 550 M€ in R&D during the last three years, an amount which puts it among the first European companies in its industry in terms of investment made. With a turnover of about 3,000 M€, of which about 60% come from the international market. It has 42,000 professionals and customers in 128 countries.


Grupo SEPI is a corporate holding which includes a total of 16 state-owned enterprises in which it has a direct and majority participation, the state-owned radio and television corporation Corporación Radiotelevisión Española and one state-owned foundation, besides having minority and direct participations in a further nine enterprises, and indirect ones in more than one hundred enterprises.