SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI signs the joint sale of the companies ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI, affiliated companies of Grupo ENUSA

21 June 2013 | Madrid

SEPI signs the joint sale of the companies ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI, affiliated companies of Grupo ENUSA

On the photo, from left to right: Mr. José Fernando Sánchez – Junco, Chairman of MAXAM, Mr. Federico Ferrer Delso, Vice President of SEPI, and Ms. Mercedes Real Rodrigálvarez, head of SEPI’s Investee Companies I. 

The state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has signed today the contract, which was previously put on record, for the sale of the shares which represent the totality of the social capital of the company ENUSEGUR, S.A. (ENUSEGUR) and of the social participations which represent the totality of the social capital of the company ETSA DOI, S.R.L. (ETSA DOI), with the company MAXAMCORP HOLDING, S.L.

It must be remembered that SEPI began the privatization process of these companies on December 17th, 2012, with the publicity given to it on SEPI’s Web address and on different communication. On March 22nd, 2013, SEPI’s Board of Directors awarded the sale of the Companies to MAXAMCORP HOLDING, S.L., and on April 3rd 2013 took place the signing ceremony of the private sale contract. Later, the Consultative Board for Privatizations issued a positive report regarding the fulfillment of the transparency, publicity and competition principles. Finally, last Friday, the Council of Ministers resolved to authorize SEPI to proceed to the joint sale of these affiliated companies of Grupo ENUSA.

ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI are two affiliated companies of Grupo ENUSA which are engaged in the transport of explosives, both for civil and for defense uses, and of cartridge for sport use. ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. (60% held by SEPI and 40% by CIEMAT), the parent company, has as its main activity manufacturing and supplying fuel elements and related engineering services for nuclear power stations, as well as carrying out environmental activities.ENUSEGUR is a Spanish company, which was incorporated under the Private Security Act, with registered office in Madrid and for tax purposes in Burgos. It has a workforce made up by 15 persons. ETSA DOI is a Romanian company, with registered office in Bucharest and its operating base is in Fagaras. It has a workforce of 7 persons.

The purchaser, MAXAMCORP HOLDING, S.L. (MAXAM), is the parent company of a group of companies which are specialized in manufacturing and selling explosives for civil use, as well as starting systems for the energy, mining, quarries and building industries. Furthermore, MAXAM manufactures and distributes cartridges for sport use, as well as a number of products for the defense industry.

It is one of the leading operators at international level in the areas in which it is active, with a long experience and a 140-year history. In the financial year ended on March 31st, 2013 its turnover amounted to 1,088 M€. Of these sales, 88% are generated on the international markets.Its strategic goal is to integrate ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI in order to create a platform for developing its own logistical operator, which takes part and contributes to the growth plan which MAXAM envisages to carry out in the next few years. Thus, the feasibility of ENUSEGUR and of ETSA DOI within MAXAM is guaranteed, with a significant increase of its current activity level.