SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

CORREOS reduces in more than 22% work accidents in 2012

26 May 2013 | Madrid

CORREOS reduces in more than 22% work accidents in 2012
  • As a result of the measures adopted for protecting the employees’ health within the framework of a prevention model based on the integration and the internal management and expansion of the health surveillance campaigns and training
  • A total of 31,226 medical examinations have been made, and 50,100 employees – both workers and middle managers - have participated in the training programs

CORREOS has managed to reduce the accident rate of its workforce during 2012 by 22% (22.20%) at national level. This reduction confirms the trend which began at the post company in 2010, when it succeeded in reducing work accidents by 22%, and which continued in 2011 with a further 22% reduction in the occupational accidents of its workforce, which currently is made up by more than 57,000 employees.

During the last year, the figures have been lower in all kinds of accidents, and the decrease has been especially significant in serious accidents, which have been reduced by 44.4%, and the decrease in minor accidents, the most frequent, by 22.18%, which in turn has meant a corresponding decrease in the number of working days lost.

Workplace accidents has also been reduced in relative terms, as is reflected by the “accident rate”, which takes into account the number of accidents in relation with the evolution of the workforce, and which has decreased at national level by 17.52% during the year.

This decrease in the occupational accident rate, which has contributed to a decrease of practically one percentage point in the absenteeism rate of the post company, is the result of the initiatives developed by CORREOS aimed at protecting its employees’ health and expanding to all the company, in a transversal way, the occupational risk prevention culture.

Integration and internal management of prevention

CORREOS defines its preventive policies through its own Prevention Service, one of the biggest in Spain, which is adapted to the size and geographical dispersion of its workforce. This Service is made up by more than 105 persons, which include the territorial network of specialized technicians and the staff of the Health Basic Units, - which are the current version of the traditional company medical services - and which provide the former medical support.

CORREOS has defined thus a preventive policy basically based on internal integration and management, through which it has promoted such measures as the reviews of the risk assessments, the planning of the preventive actions, the campaigns for health surveillance, and the new models in prevention training, aimed at all the organization’s levels.

Health and training surveillance

Within the framework of this prevention model, during 2012 CORREOS has carried out 31,226 medical examinations adapted to the different occupational positions. This has been made through the application of specific protocols, of which 9,252 correspond to the conclusion of the Health Surveillance Plan 2011-2012, 16,596 correspond to the health surveillance plan 2012, 4,208 to the assessment of recently hired employees or after a prolonged sick leave, and 1,170 to the assessment of employees potentially sensitive due to a possible reassignment.

Other fundamental pillar of the Occupational Risk Prevention policy at CORREOS is the expansion of training on this issue to the workforce, as the best way of expanding the integration and the prevention culture to all the company. In 2012 50,100 employees took part in training actions, both workers and middle managers, and the courses ranged from emergency management, manual and mechanical burden handling, musculoskeletal disorders, road safety, maintenance tasks safety, and in general, the specific training for risk prevention in each work position.

All of the above is the result of the will shown by the post company to turn its employees’ health protection and promotion into one of its priorities and a transversal goal, so that prevention is present in all the company’s activities and enjoys the engagement and participation of all the workforce’s levels; senior management, middle management, trade unions and workers.


CORREOS belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 18 state-owned companies in which it has a direct and majority shareholding participation, the state-owned radio and television corporation and one public trust. Besides, it has direct minority shareholding participations in a further 7 companies, and indirect ones in more than 100 companies.

CORREOS is the biggest company in Spain, both in terms of its presence and territorial scope, with over 10,000 points for gaining access to its services. It distributes over 4,400 Million shipments per year, and reaches two million companies and 19 million households. It has a human team made up by 57,000 professionals who work to provide comprehensive solutions and a wide range of high-quality products adapted to the different customer categories, both in packaging and direct marketing, and in postal services based on the new technologies and financial services.