SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Agencia EFE and Corporación RTVE join efforts for making a better use of their resources

01 May 2013 | Madrid

Agencia EFE and Corporación RTVE join efforts for making a better use of their resources

The Chairpersons of the state-owned news agency Agencia EFE and the radio and television Corporación RTVE, Mr. José Antonio Vera and Mr. Leopoldo González Echenique, respectively, have concluded a collaboration agreement which seeks to improve the use of the resources of both state-owned companies, reduce costs and provide a more efficient and better service.

According to the agreement signed, both companies will share their facilities in a number of correspondent offices and will collaborate in news preparation in some others, but both EFE’s workers and those from TVE will maintain their links with their respective companies.

After the signature ceremony, which took place today in Madrid, EFE’s Chairperson pointed out that “joining efforts in difficult times is fundamental for maintaining the quality of our services and news offer'.

“This is an agreement which seeks to reduce costs, but also to grow in terms of presence and visibility at a global level, both for EFE and for RTVE, and of course, for Spain”, added Mr. José Antonio Vera.

During the first phase it is envisaged to share the correspondent’s offices in México DF, Bogotá, and Moscow, and later in Río de Janeiro, in the case that RTVE were to open there a new correspondent’s office in 2014. In all of these offices, EFE will continue to be the titleholder.

In other places of the world, RTVE will have at its disposal the news agency’s correspondents for preparing the news for its news programs, regardless of whether this news consist of images, reports or live broadcasts.

The first of these experiences will take place in Buenos Aires, and if the results are satisfactory for both companies, the plan will be expanded to include Havana and other capital cities, such as Tokyo and Delhi, where RTVE currently is not present, while EFE has offices and experience.

Grupo SEPI

Agencia EFE belongs to Grupo SEPI, a corporate holding which includes a total of 18 state-owned companies in which it has a direct and majority shareholding participation, the state-owned radio and television corporation, and one public trust, besides having direct minority shareholdings in a further 7 companies, and indirect shareholdings in over 100 companies.