SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales, EFE’s portal on tourism and for the traveler, is born

20 December 2012 | Madrid, EFE’s portal on tourism and for the traveler, is born

Agencia EFE has launched today, a portal specialized on tourism, whose goal is to become a reference site for travelers, with multimedia content and in different languages regarding all the industry fields.

Efetur is a new bet of Agencia EFE within its strategy of new digital and online products, with other specialized portals owned by the news agency, such as Efeagro (specialized on agriculture), Efesalud (specialized on health), and Efeverde (specialized on the environment).

New portal for the traveler

This new portal aims to become the fundamental tool for the traveler who needs information about which destination to choose, how to organize his/her preparations and what he/she can expect from the tourist, cultural, gastronomic and leisure offer which he will find in his way.

Thus is why it will have an active presence in the main social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook –at the addresses @efetur_es and efetur, respectively - from which it will be possible to have access to its multimedia content.

South Korea, with its combination of tradition and technological cutting-edge, with the help of its Ambassador in Madrid, Mr. Oh Dae-Sung; Ezcaray (La Rioja), which offers snow, gastronomy, rural tourism and history; an interview with Mr. Jesús Calleja, who has recently returned from an adventure in Bhutan; the most seafaring Christmas, and Madrid as destination of the most musical tourism are some of the issues which Efetur proposes since today.

Organized in sections focused each on destinations, hotels, nature and sports tourism, beauty and health tourism, urban and business tourism, gastronomic, cruise and wine tourism, Efetur reserves a space for the travelers’ personal experiences, so that they can be able to share their memories, anecdotes or suggestions.

International vocation

Efetur is born with an international vocation, which comes from the spirit itself of Agencia EFE, which has delegations in more than 120 countries and 30 news offices all over Spain; that is why it has the goal of providing quality and interesting information for the traveler from any country in the world and in different languages.

This supplements the information which Agencia EFE broadcasts in its daily agendas and its news services about the tourist industry, which represents the most important industry in the Spanish economy - -it contributes 11 of each 100 Euros generated – and it gives place, for instance, to the arrival of 58 Million foreign tourists every.

Travelling, as Spanish playwright Jardiel Poncela once said, is 'a symptom of intelligence', and in the words of British Prime Minister Disraeli 'it teaches tolerance'; Efetur is born today with the goal of making that task a bit easier for the current traveler, who is the best informed ever in History.