SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI begins the joint privatization process of the companies ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI, affiliated companies of ENUSA Group

17 December 2012 |

SEPI begins the joint privatization process of the companies ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI, affiliated companies of ENUSA Group

The state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has resolved to begin the process for the sale of the shares which represent 100% of the social capital of ENUSEGUR, S.A. and of ETSA DOI, S.R.L., which are affiliated companies of the ENUSA Group.

ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. (60% owned by SEPI and 40% owned by CIEMAT), which is the parent company, has as its main activity manufacturing and supplying nuclear fuel materials and related engineering services to nuclear power stations, as well as carrying out environmental activities.

ENUSEGUR and ETSA DOI are engaged in the transport of explosives, both for commercial and for defense purposes, and cartridges for sport activities.

ENUSEGUR is a Spanish company, which was incorporated in 2001 under the protection of the Private Security Act (Ley de Seguridad Privada), with social domicile in Madrid, while its domicile for tax purposes is located in Burgos. It has a workforce made up by 11 drivers/explosives watchers, and a managing team made up by 4 persons.

ETSA DOI is a Romanian company, which was incorporated in 2007, with social domicile in Bucharest, and its operating base is located in Fagarás. Its workforce amounts to 8 persons.

At an aggregate level, both companies have a turnover of 1.7 M€ approximately, and their sales are highly dependant on just one customer. As for their assets these amount to 1.2 M€.

The following table shows the main figures of these two companies in the financial year 2011.


2011 (In thousands of €) ENUSEGUR ETSA DOI
Turnover 1,081 623
EBITDA 105 80
Net Income 17 42
Shareholders’ equity 311 178
Total assets 612 572
Tangible Fixed Assets 269 20


Those interested in participating in this privatization process must submit the required documentation in SEPI’s General Registry by 10:00 am of January 9th, 2013 (the Registry is open from 9:00 to 13:45 from Monday to Friday). The above documentation must be submitted with the reference PRIVATIZACIÓN DE ENUSEGUR Y ETSA DOI (Privatization of ENESEGUR and ETSA DOI).