SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors resolves to appoint the Chairpersons of NAVANTIA, DEFEX and ENSA

27 April 2012 |

SEPI’s Board of Directors resolves to appoint the Chairpersons of NAVANTIA, DEFEX and ENSA

After its meeting today

  • The Board appoints Mr. José Manuel Revuelta and Mr. Jaime de Rábago as NAVANTIA’s as Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, respectively
  • Mr. Fernando Aguilar will chair the company DEFEX
  • Mr. Eduardo González-Mesones, ENSA’s Chairperson

SEPI’s Board of Directors resolved this morning to appoint the Chairpersons of a number of companies of the corporate Group; specifically, those of NAVANTIA, DEFEX and ENSA.

In NAVANTIA’s case, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. José Manuel Revuelta Lapique as Chairperson. A graduate in Economics Science and Business, and with a PhD by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he has a wide experience in the academic and business areas. Currently he was the Corporate Manager in charge of Planning and Management Control, attached to the Chairperson of Grupo Cementos Portland Vaderribas. Before he also worked as Corporate Manager for Institutional Issues, attached to the Chairperson of Grupo Repsol YPF; Manager attached to the Chairperson of Grupo Repsol; Deputy Director and Director of the El País’ Yearbook, or Manager for Structure of Grupo Prisa.

Equally, the Board resolved to appoint Mr. Jaime de Rábago Marín as Chief Executive Officer of the shipbuilding company; an Engineer by ICAI and with a MBA in the management of credit entities. Until his appointment this morning, he was an independent entrepreneur, who had jointly incorporated a family business in the renewable energies sector. He has also been Technical Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Board of the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO), besides being the Manager in charge of the Studies Office. He has also worked as fixed-income securities analyst in ABN AMRO, risk analyst in Credit Agricole, or Deputy Manager attached to the Manager for Major Risks and Brokers in AGF Unión Fénix.

Mr. Fernando Aguilar Viyuela has been appointed for chairing the DEFEX company; he has a degree by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His professional career has mostly taken place in DEFEX itself, in which he has been holding for almost the last 20 years the post of Commercial Manager, and in which he was before the delegate and head of the office for Asia in profesional Singapore. Besides, he worked before as regional Manager for the Middle East and Europe in the defense Spanish state-owned enterprise Empresa Nacional Santa Bárbara and he was Commercial Deputy Delegate for the company Grecsa.

Finally, ENSA’s new Chairperson, Mr. Eduardo González-Mesones Calderón, has a degree as Engineer, and his professional career has been linked for many years to this company, which is engaged in manufacturing nuclear parts and components. He has worked in ENSA as Project Manager –a position which he filled up to now- and as Manager in charge of Operations and Head of the Factory for the manufacture of nuclear parts and components.