SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

SEPI’s Board of Directors approves the appointment of the Chairpersons for the companies of the Group

24 February 2012 |

SEPI’s Board of Directors approves the appointment of the Chairpersons for the companies of the Group


The Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has resolved in the meeting held today to nominate for their appointment as company’s Chairpersons to Ms. Faina Zurita de Ussía, as the Chairperson of the horse racetracks Hipódromo de La Zarzuela, to Ms. María Teresa Mallada de Castro as HUNOSA’s Chairperson, and to Ms. Rosa María Mosulén Bravo as SEPIDES’ Chairperson. The Board has also ratified the appointments of the Chairpersons of CETARSA, Mr. Javier Gómez Darmendrail; of MERCASA, Mr. Eduardo Ameijide y Montenegro; and of TRAGSA, Mr. Miguel Giménez de Córdoba Fernández-Pintado, and of P4R, Ms. Isabel Martín Castellá. Equally, information has been submitted about the appointment of Mr. Benigno Valdés Díaz as the Director-General of Fundación SEPI.

In this meeting of the Board it was resolved also to nominate Mr. Josep Piqué Camps to become a Member of the Board of Directors of EADS, as SEPI’s representative.

Mr. Javier Gómez Darmendrail, CETARSA’s Chairperson, is a graduate in Philosophy and Literature, and he has been elected six times as a representative for Segovia for Spain’s Parliament. As a member of Congress he was Vice President of the Industry, Tourism and Trade commission, and also of that in charge of Petitions, and of the joint commission for the Court of Auditors, being also a member of the Defense, Education, and Parliament’s control of the state-owned television commissions. He has also been a member of NATO’s Parliamentarian Assembly, and he has chaired the committee for the Nuclear Safety Board. Within the entrepreneurial field, he has been an Administrator of the family-owned company Darmen, S.L. Equally, he has taught at the Lycée Carnot in Dijon (France), at the secondary schools Andrés Laguna and Quintanilla; in the latter he served as Principal, and he has also taught in Spain’s Open University, U.N.E.D.

Ms. Faina Zurita Ussía has been appointed to chair the company Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, S.A. She is a graduate in Communication Science, and she has studied Economics. Until her appointment she worked as Advisor for the Chairmanship of the Inforpress. Her professional career has taken place in the communication field, a task which she has performed in, among other institutions, the Antonio Nebrija University, the savings bank Caja Madrid, and in the Instituto de Estudios Económicos. She has also been a manager in the Instituto de Crédito Oficial.

HUNOSA’s new Chairperson, Ms. María Teresa Mallada de Castro, is a Mining Engineer and an Expert in occupational risk prevention. Most of her professional experience has taken place in the mining company whose chairmanship she is taking over, and of which she is a Member of the Board of Directors. Until her appointment, she was operating engineer in the pit Área Modesta and before, in the Pozo Carrio pit, as well as engineer for the Environmental Department and of the Engineering and Projects Department. She has been also General Member of the local savings bank Cajastur and, within the political field, she is the Territorial Deputy Secretary for Asturias of the Popular Party, and besides, she chairs this party in the mining town of Aller.

Mr. Eduardo Ameijide y Montenegro, Chairperson of the company MERCASA, is a Law graduate. He has been professor of Labor Law, as well as a partner and a lawyer in a number of law firms specialized in company law, labor law, and in administrative and tax law. Among the positions which he has occupied during his public life, mention must be made to those of Civil Governor in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Navarre, Huesca and Guipuzcoa, Representative of the Central Government in Aragón, and General-Director of the Spanish Institute for Emigration (Instituto Español de Emigración). Within the professional field he has performed several high responsibility jobs in different private sector companies, several of which belonged to the Grupo Banesto. Until her appointment, he was a Technical Advisor for the civil service insurer MUFACE.

Ms. Rosa María Mosulén Bravo will be new Chairperson in the company SEPI Desarrollo Empresarial (SEPIDES). A graduate in Economics, she has worked for the Madrid’s Metropolitan company, where she was in charge of International Relations and Communication and Marketing. She began her professional career in Banco Santander Central Hispano and in Arthur Andersen. Most of her activity has taken place in the State Credit Institute (Instituto de Crédito Oficial, ICO), first in the Internal Audit Unit; later, in its Foundation, and finally, as the Head of the Chair’s Office. She has been a Member of CERSA’s Board of Directors on behalf of the ICO.

The Chairperson of the company TRAGSA, Mr. Miguel Giménez de Córdoba Fernández-Pintado, is an Agricultural Engineer, and he is a Member of the Commercial Technicians and State Economists Corps. He has filled a number of public positions, among which are that of General Deputy Director for the Machinery and Capital Goods Industries in the Ministry for Industry, General-Director for the Insurance Compensation Consortium and Manager for Projects’ Follow-up in COFIDES. In Madrid’s regional government he has been Director-General for the Modernization of the Infrastructures of the Law Departament, and Chief Executive Officer of the company Campus de la Justicia de Madrid. As a result of the positions he filled in the Central Government he was Vice President in Crédito y Caución and a Member of the Board of several state-owned enterprises, such as INESPAL, FOARSA, MTM and CESCE. Until his current appointment, he was Technical Advisor in the Directorate-General of the Treasury and Financial Policy of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Mr. Benigno Valdés Díaz, Director-General of the Fundación SEPI, is a PhD in Economics by the New Hampshire University, and a Professor who teaches Macroeconomic Theory and Policy at ICADE. He has been Director-General in the Fundación IMDEA Ciencias Sociales, Deputy Dean at ICADE, and a Member of the Agency for Qualification and Prospective of Madrid’s Universities. He has held teaching positions in a number of universities in Spain, the US, Mexico and France, and he has published a book and a number of essays on Economics and Technology. Besides having won the Extraordinary Award for his graduating academic year, he has won other academic awards in the United States and in Spain, among them, the Award for Teaching Excellence in Economics, in the Universidad de Salamanca.