SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Renewal of SEPI

09 May 2008 |

Renewal of SEPI

The new Board of Directors of the state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) has been established today when the 7 new Members assumed their posts. This Board is made up by its Chairman, Mr. Enrique Martínez Robles, the Vice President, Mr. Federico Montero Hita, the General Secretary and of the Board, Mr. Fernando Sequeira de Fuentes, and by another 14 Members, who represent the Ministries of Presidency, Economics and Finance, Defense, Public Works, Employment and Immigration, Science and Innovation, and Industry, Tourism and Trade.

The new Members of the Board who have assumed office are Mr. Leandro González Gallardo, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Employment and Immigration, who replaces Ms. Aurora Domínguez González; Mr. Constantino Méndez Martínez, Deputy Minister for Defense, of the Ministry of Defense, who replaces Ms. Soledad López Fernández; Mr. José Manuel Fernández de la Bastida y del Olmo, Secretary-General for Scientific Policy and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, who replaces Mr. Francisco Marcellán Español; Mr. Pedro Luis Marín Uribe, Secretary-General for Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, who replaces Mr. Ignasi Nieto Magaldi; Ms. Teresa Santero Quintillá, General-Secretary for Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, who replaces Mr. Joan Trullén; Ms. Amparo Fernández González, Undersecretary of Industry, Tourism and Trade, who replaces Ms. María Teresa Gómez Condado; and Mr. Luís Espadas Moncalvillo, General-Secretary of Budgets and Expenses, of the Ministry of Economics and Finance, who replaces Mr. Carlos Ocaña y Pérez de Tudela.

The Members who continue in their posts are Mr. David Vegara Figueras, Deputy Minister of Economics, of the Ministry of Economics and Finance; Ms. Juana María Lázaro Ruiz, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economics and Finance; Mr. Luís Herrero de Juan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Presidency; Ms. Encarnación Vivanco Bustos, Undersecretary of the Public Works Ministry; Mr. Fernando Escribano Mora, Head of the Office of the Senior Vicepresident and Minister of the Presidency; Mr. Luís Díez Martín, Head of the Office of the Junior Vice President and Minister of Economics and Finance; and Ms. Mercedes Díez Sánchez, Director-General of Patrimonio del Estado, of the Ministry of Economics and Finance.