SEPI Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales

Parc Sagunt has already awarded 80% of the land in offer

17 September 2007 |

  • A total of 23 companies will set facilities on the 25 land-plots which have been sold in the first phase of this business park, which is being promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana and by SEPI

The company for the promotion of the business park of Sagunto Sociedad Parque Empresarial de Sagunto, S.L., Parc Sagunt, in which INFOINVEST has a 50% stake, has awarded up to now 25 land-plots of the I Phase of this business park, on which 23 companies shall set up their facilities. A total of 48 land-plots have been put on sale in this first phase, with a net total surface of 1,854,587 square meters, and the land-plots awarded amount to 80% of the above total surface.

In the last meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sociedad Parque Empresarial de Sagunto, which took place on August 29th, 772,391 square meters were awarded. The biggest land-plots were awarded to the companies Brava Steel, S.A., with 387,299 square meters, and to Siderúrgica Añón, S.L., with a 285,160-square meters surface.

Parc Sagunt is promoted by the regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana) and by the state-owned holding company SEPI, through its companies SEPIVA and INFOINVEST. Located on the municipal area of Sagunto (Valencia), this business park has a gross total surface of 9.5 Million square meters, and its development shall be carried out through two phases, which have been named Parc Sagunt I and Parc Sagunt II.

On October 15th, 2007 the submission of bids for the last land-plots of the first phase which have still not been awarded shall conclude.