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Chairwoman's Functions

She chairs the Spanish state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), an entity attached to the Ministry of Finance through the Minister.

In that capacity, she:

  • Represents on a permanent basis SEPI and its Board of Directors in any action or contract, and versus any natural or legal person.
  • Summons, chairs and raises the meetings of the Board of Directors, leading its deliberations.
  • Approves certain SEPI’s contracts, in keeping with the limits set by the Board of Directors.
  • Leads SEPI’s services and controls its activity.
  • Makes sure that that stipulated in the Order on July 13th, 1995 from the Ministry of Industry and Energy regarding SEPI’s organization and functions is observed, and for the implementation of the resolutions taken by the Board of Directors.
  • Submits to the Board of Directors the operating and capital budgets, as well as SEPI’s operating, investment, and financing programs and, when appropriate, those of the companies which are attached to it.
  • Decides about expenditure and gives orders about the corresponding payments.
  • Exercises the powers which have been delegated by the Board of Directors.
  • In her capacity as SEPI’s Chairwoman, she chairs the Board of Trustees of Fundación SEPI.

Since the setup of the Solvency Support Fund for Strategic Companies, on June 2020, it falls to SEPI’s Chairmanship to be part and chair its Managing Council, with the following tasks:

  • To hold the representation of the collegiate body.
  • To agree the call of the ordinary and extraordinary meetings, and the setup of the Agenda, taking into account, in its case, the requests made by the remaining members, as long as they have been submitted in advance. 
  • To request the appointment of the representatives of other Ministries.
  • To chair the meetings, to moderate the development of the discussions, and to suspend them for justified reasons.
  • To settle with its vote any tie, for the purpose of passing resolutions.
  • To make sure the law is observed.
  • To endorse the Minutes and certificates of the resolutions of the Managing Council.
  • To hold the status of reporter for the purposes of rendering the accounts to the Court of Auditors.
  • To provide all the information required for the decision taking.