You have gained access to the Transparency Portal of Spain’s state-owned industrial holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI).
In keeping with that envisaged in section no. 5 of Law 19/2013, of December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, and with the goal of providing to the citizenship the information which is subjected to the requirement of active publicity, SEPI periodically publishes relevant information in order to guarantee the transparency of its activity.
As a public law entity, which is part of the institutional state-owned enterprise sector, SEPI follows regarding transparency the criterium stipulated by the Ministry of Finance, to which it is attached.
The information included in this Transparency Portal was last revised in September 2024.
In keeping with section 8 in Law 19/2013, below is available the financial, budgetary and statistical information resulting from SEPI’s activity: contracts and modifications, awards to its own companies, statistical data on contracts, agreements, FASEE aids, budgets, annual accounts and audit reports (Court of Auditors), remuneration of senior executives, resolutions about the compatibility of employees, and a list of real assets.
Furthermore, in the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público (Website for Public Sector Hiring), in the Portal de Transparencia AGE (Transparency Website of the General Administration), in the Website of the Tribunal de Cuentas (Court of Auditors), in the database of the Sistema Nacional de Publicidad de Subvenciones y Ayudas Públicas (National System for Publicity of State Subventions and Grants) and in the Website of the Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (Office of the General State Comptroller) you can consult the information of this paragraph regarding SEPI (*).
SEPI does not grant aid, it grants FASEE support measures. It does not carry out management orders and, as a result, does not manage any outsourcing business which result from them.
SEPI’s senior managers are not entitled to receive compensation for leaving their positions. Nor authorizations for a private activity have been granted after the dismissal of senior managers.
(*) In case of any discrepancy, the information included in these web pages prevails over that published in this Web page.
All the information regarding the tenders made by SEPI can be consulted on the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público (Platform for contracts with the state-owned sector). Furthermore, with the aim of easing the consult, this section shows the information on contracts and their modifications, quarterly updated. During this year no contract has been amended or abandoned.
Access to the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público: Contracting profile of SEPI’s Board of Directors and Contracting profile of SEPI’s Chairmanship
All the information regarding the bids made by SEPI can be consulted in the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público. Furthermore, to facilitate the consult, this section includes the information about minor contracts, updated every quarter.
Access to the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público.
All the information about the orders to in-house resources made by SEPI can be consulted on the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público. Furthermore, to facilitate the consult, this section includes the information regarding the orders to in-house resources, updated every quarter. SEPI does not carry out management orders and as a result, does not manage any outsourcing business which results from them. During this year no mandate has has been given to in-house resources.
Access to the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público.
This section publishes the aggregated information on the amount of the contracts made by SEPI, according to the types of procedures envisaged by the legislation on state sector contracts.
This section publishes the information on the agreements concluded by SEPI, updated every quarter. During this year no accord has been concluded.
The Solvency Support Fund for Strategic Enterprises (FASEE for its acronym in Spanish) was stablished by Royal Law Decree 25/2020, on July 3rd, on urgent measures for the economic recovery and employment support, providing temporary support to feasible companies in strategic industries for the production and financial structure, which had been negatively affected by the pandemic. The deadline ended on June 30th, 2022, according to the sixth modification of the Temporary Framework about the state-aid measures aimed at supporting the economy within the context of the COVID-19.
It is a fund without a legal personality, attached to the State General Administration, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, and managed through the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), by the Managing Board, corresponding to SEPI the analysis and assessment of the deals, prior to the decision on the requests by the Managing Board.
All the information regarding these aids can be consulted on the National System for Publicity of Grants and State Aids. Furthermore, for facilitating consultations, this paragraph shows the list of the companies which have received aid at the end of the Temporary Framework (June 30th, 2022).
SEPI does not grant aid.
This section includes a link to SEPI’s annual budget passed on the State General Budget.
All the information on the annual accounts and audit reports can be consulted on the website of the Intervención General de la Administración del Estado. Furthermore, for facilitating the consult, in this section it is published the annual accounts and audit reports of SEPI’s parent company, the annual accounts and audit reports of Grupo SEPI, and the annual accounts and audit reports of the Solvency Support Fund for Strategic Enterprises (FASEE).
Equally, the information regarding the tax reports carried out by the Court of Auditors to SEPI can be consulted in Búsqueda Avanzada - Tribunal de Cuentas ( (Advanced Search – Court of Auditors). Furthermore, this paragraph includes the latest information published.
Remunerations appear and can be consulted on the Portal de Transparencia de la Administración General del Estado. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the consult, this paragraph includes the information regarding the gross remuneration for all items earned in 2023.
SEPI’s senior managers are not entitled to receive any benefit because of their leaving their office.
Below appear the resolutions on compatibility which affect SEPI’s staff.
Currently, in keeping with the data provided by AGE’s Transparency Portal, there is no authorization for the performance of a private activity after the dismissal of senior managers.
This paragraph includes the list of real estate which are owned by SEPI or those on which it has some real right, updated every quarter.