Languages and superior links

Implementation guidelines

SEPI’s commitment with Society becomes evident with the values which govern its activity and which pervade its corporate culture:

  • Rigor: It entails the highest exigency in the management, control, and implementation of its responsibilities.
  • Austerity in the use of resources, seeking to optimize them.
  • Professionality, focused on achieving the best results on the management of its stockholders’ equity.
  • Transparency in all its activities in order to convey to the public opinion a faithful image of the fulfillment of its obligations.


SEPI assumes the responsibility of faithfully informing about its activities, both to citizens and to the institutions which by law, have been trusted the economic and financial control, as well as the parliamentary and social and labor controls.

This Company implements an Operating and Capital Budget which becomes part of the State General Budget. All the accounts of its companies and of SEPI itself are subject to the overview of the Office of the State General Comptroller (IGAE). Furthermore, the Court of Auditors periodically submits specific reports about the activity carried out by SEPI and by its companies.

Within the labor area, the Inter-Ministry Committee on Remunerations and the Committee for the Follow-Up of Collective Bargaining in State-Owned Corporations overview the issues regarding the labor and retributive policies included in the collective agreements concluded within Grupo SEPI.

Within the scope of the parliamentary control, SEPI’s Chairmanship, at the request of the Lower or the Higher Houses of Parliament, or at her own request, appears when necessary for explaining the activities of the state-owned holding, or those of any of its companies.

SEPI periodically submits to Parliament economic and financial information regarding its own activity, that of the consolidated group, and about its companies.

Gender equality plans

Grupo SEPI keeps a permanent commitment in support of gender equality and the fight against gender-based violence.

SEPI has a specific Equality Plan for its head office for an unlimited period of time and with measures to be implemented on all the issues regarding the working terms and conditions.

There is a protocol for preventing and acting against harassment at SEPI, whose goal is setting up an action procedure in case of a situation and/or behavior of harassment arises. Its personal scope includes all those persons who perform their work at SEPI, both those who belong to the workforce and those who provide their services habitually at its offices.

National Agreement against gender-based violence 

SEPI has joined the National Agreement against Gender-based Violence through a collaboration agreement signed in 2018 with the Ministry of Health for raising the awareness on this issue. Later this agreement has been joined by all the Group’s companies, including its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Through this agreement both parties commit themselves to collaborating in the promotion and development of awareness-raising measures against gender-based violence, especially at the workplace.

For its part, SEPI commits itself to making known within its Group all the initiatives promoted by the Government against gender-based violence.

Attracting and maintaining the professional profiles demanded by SEPI and its affiliated companies have a strategical dimension for the Group. Both challenges revolve around actions and policies of a varied nature, among which stand out the grants programs and the training policy.

In 2023, the companies of Grupo SEPI recorded 1,178 participants who carried out training actions through grant programs or collaboration agreements. Grupo TRAGSA, Grupo NAVANTIA, Grupo CORREOS and AGENCIA EFE represented 92.3% of those taking part.

The investment made in training in 2023 -29.5 M€- represents 1.3% of the gross payroll without overtime of the companies of Grupo SEPI. The time devoted to training reached almost 2 million hours, with a total of 7,668 training actions.

Campus Los Peñascales

Campus Los Peñascales, attached to Fundación SEPI, is the site on which take place the Group’s training activities, as well as those of other bodies.

Every year, the Fundación organizes training programs for developing the managerial skills of the companies’ managers, pre-managers, and technicians. These activities have to do with management, administrative issues, business promotion, and languages.

El Campus Los Peñascales constitutes a training center of reference; with a surface of 73,000 m2 of natural spaces and modern and wide facilities, it is located 26 kilometers away from Madrid, on a country estate with extensive gardens and wooded areas. It offers the optimal surroundings for meetings, seminars, and work meetings.

Grants program

SEPI Group, through its Foundation, is a pioneer in the promotion and management of practical training grants within state and private companies and institutions. Its announcements of grants fulfil two goals: to support the organizations in the selection process, and facilitate the incorporation of students or young people with a degree to the labor market.

Fundación SEPI managed the participation of a total of 229 young people in 2023, of which 101 took part through the Program for Getting Started into the Company, while 128 made it through an agreement/contract with different companies and entities.  

Among the main actions on social issues is the promotion of the commitment with occupational health and safety, fostering a healthy work environment, regardless of the industry or activity, from a preventive approach, adapted to all existing jobs.

All companies belonging to Grupo SEPI have occupational risk prevention services, either their own or provided by third parties.  Of the companies which have an own or joint occupational risk prevention service, 20% offer the four specialties: medical services at the workplace, industrial hygiene, work safety and ergonomics, and applied psychosociology.

A total of 643 professionals of Grupo SEPI carried out tasks within the occupational risk prevention area in 2023. The number of prevention delegates available that year was of 584.

All the companies carry out periodical medical tests for their staffs, paying a special attention to the risk-prone personnel.

Cardiac protected area

SEPI’s home office has been accredited as a 'Cardiac Protected Area'.

The Sociedad Española de Medicina y Seguridad en el trabajo (SEMST) requires that, in order to achieve this certificate, several preventive categories must be controlled, and meeting the following requirements:

  • To have at least a Semiautomatic External Defibrillator (DESA) (currently SEPI has two units).
  • The DESA must be correctly identified, easily accessible, and located within an approved display cabinet.
  • The persons who belong to the first-aid team, as well as the security guards, have been trained in their use.
  • To guarantee the maintenance of parts and batteries, as well as to control the expiration dates through a collaboration agreement.

SEPI concluded this collaboration agreement with the company Anek S3 through the Proyecto Salvavidas, a social initiative which seeks to raise the awareness of those who have no medical training about the importance of leading a healthier life, of learning about resuscitation and first-aid techniques, as well as for introducing semiautomatic defibrillators on a larger scale.

The Proyecto Salvavidas makes use of very direct images and systems with the goal of turning prevention and cardiac protection into everyday issues, which are easy to learn and applied.

Grupo SEPI designs its policies and strategies on social issues from a wide and inclusive approach, through actions which involve all its staff. This human team operates all over the country, having a positive impact on the environment and combining the public service and economic development.

The persons represent the Group’s key pillar, and for this reason SEPI and its affiliated companies are committed to protecting workers’ rights, promoting equal treatment, eliminating any kind of bullying behavior, and fostering healthy working environments and terms and conditions.

All this entails safeguarding diversity and the absence of any discrimination, guaranteeing gender equality, facilitating the conciliation of work and personal life, and managing talent through a training focused on the challenges which the state-owned companies will face in coming decades.