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COFIVACASADissolution and assets management of companies

COFIVACASA is a company specialized in business administration, management, advising and the dissolution of companies in the state-owned sector, and in receiverships and judicial interventions.

Traditionally, COFIVACASA has carried out the management and the winding-up of companies without an industrial activity belonging to Grupo SEPI, among which stand out IZAR, Construcciones Navales, S.A., S.M.E., in dissolution. More recently, it has been entrusted with the dissolution of other companies which are part of the corporate state-owned sector and of such state entities as Rumasa and Gestur.

Furthermore, COFIVACASA has managed the liabilities and rights assumed by universal succession of certain companies belonging to the corporate state-owned sector which, after different reorganization procedures, are currently without an activity, as well as those of their former workers in pre-retirement. Among them stand out Altos Hornos de Vizcaya (AHV), Altos Hornos del Mediterráneo, S.A. (AHM), Industrias Mecánicas del Noroeste, S. A. (IMENOSA), Babcock Wilcox Española, S.A. (BWE), Prerreducidos Integrados del Suroeste de España, S.A. (PRESUR) and E.N. Siderúrgica, S.A. (ENSIDESA).

During the last few years, COFIVACASA has carried out certain advisory works abroad for companies belonging to Grupo SEPI with the aim of liquidating companies or winding-up activities in countries such as Panama and Brazil. It has also collaborated with DEFEX’s official receiver in managing this company during the court proceedings in course.

COFIVACASA is also the sole administrator of Alimentos y Aceites, S.A., S.M.E., a company in which SEPI has a 91.96% stake.