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Grupo SEPIDES Industrial promotion and corporate development

The priority goal of the Sociedad Estatal de Promoción Industrial y Desarrollo Empresarial (SEPIDES E.P.E.) consists in promoting the corporate activity in keeping with the European and Spanish industrial policy.

Among its main tasks stand out the following:

  • To support the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, managing funds and aids within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) and of the European funds Next Generation EU, such as the granting of aids to the Strategic Projects for the Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE).
  • To promote and support the private investments, taking part in the capital and granting loans which generate wealth and jobs.
  • To implement real estate and urban promotion transactions, among which are the design, urbanization and promotion of business parks, either directly or in cooperation with official institutions.

SEPIDES began its activity in the corporate field in November 2002. Nine years later, it merged through a takeover with INFOINVEST and its subordinated companies. In this way, the company added the real estate promotion activity to that of corporate promotion, with the priority goal of fostering the development of the economic activity in industries and special interest areas for the Government and for SEPI. 

In December 2024, SEPIDES became a Entidad Pública Empresarial (state-owned corporate entity) in order to strengthening the development of Spanish industry and contributing to the goals stipulated in the Spanish Strategy for Industrial Promotion  2030.